M. A. Jinnah Shaheed H. M. Said
These individuals also have some rights
They deserve our help
We are collecting aid for the needy
Executive Members Selection of 15 students as Executive Members of Young Roots Social Society from the college.
Officials Five official members: President Vice President General Secretary Joint Secretary Treasurer
Our Team
Registration Payment of Monthly Membership Fee
Procedure for Donations Charity boxes are placed within college area. Amount collected is used to put the plan of the social society into action. Extra money paid by the members is noted down in the “Donation Record”.
Rules & Regulations Members and students are to meet with Executive Members in Free period, Zero period and Break Time only. All members have to pay the monthly fee during the first week of the month.
Security of money Members’ records Money records Expenditures
Security of money The money matters are handled with extra care. The amount collected through the membership fee. The donations by the donors. The donations from the members. And the amount collected by the charity box. Are all record in separate sheets.
Receipt Book Leave
Each One Reach One
ALHAMDULILAH! By the grace of Almighty Allah, We have been successful !!
PROJECT # 01 A delegation of 30 executive members along with the esteemed staff proceeded on an excursion to two schools in Orangi Town, on 22 nd October Our objective is to provide the schools with accessories like books, blackboards & chalks, stationary boxes, watches etc. This will not only enhance the future of the children but will also provide them with tools to make the best of their abilities Jamia-Madrasa Zaheer-ur-Rehman Al-Mansoor Grammar School
In Al- Mansoor Grammar School stationary, notebooks & handouts of Hamdard Naun-e-haal were distributed. Al- Mansoor Grammar School
Jamia Madrasa Zahir-ur-Rehman We, then moved on to Jamia Madrasa Zahir-ur-Rehman where our team donated blackboards & chalks, water cooler, notebooks and gift packs to the children.
When interviewed, Dr. Tehseen reported, “ This madrassa has been opened since two months, for those miserable children who spend their life on the roads. I believe that if I am able to prepare ten such students who are ready to face life, I have stepped the first flight of stairs to success ” Dr. Tehseen Ismail (Owner)
Hamdard Village School visit
ITEMS DISTRIBUTED ItemsSchoolMadrasa Naun-e-haal 80 Water cooler 1 Blackboard 2 Notebook Ereaser 100 Ruler 100 Sharpner 100 Pencil 100 Gift packs 43
Edhi Old Home Mawwa Home Markaz-e-Umeed
Droplets Make An Ocean
Your DONATIONS Help Them To Grow “The best among you are those who are most beneficial/assisting to others.” [Bukhari]
Join the HANDS together to eliminate poverty
A Presentation By