LAST WORDS 2 Timothy 4 Chapter 12 By Warren W. Wiersbe.


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Presentation transcript:

LAST WORDS 2 Timothy 4 Chapter 12 By Warren W. Wiersbe

A great person’s last words are significant. Paul had no regrets when coming to an end. Paul as friend-makers (17 friends) and soul winner. Paul thought of others even when he was coming to an end Preach the Word (4:1-4) I charge thee – I solemnly witness – Serious business because Paul was facing death and also Paul and Timothy would be judged one day when Jesus Christ appears

– It encourage us to do our work faithfully and carefully – It deliver us from the fear of men for God is our final judge – It will encourage us to keep going when we face difficulties Preach- to preach like a herald – Herald was commissioned by the ruler to make announces to the people – Not an ambassador (negotiator) – Timothy was to herald – God’s Word with authority – Both sinners and saints need God’s Word

– Timothy should be diligent and alert – It’s easy to make excuses Preaching must be marked by three elements – Conviction – Warning – Appeal (reprove, rebuke, exhort) – Balanced preaching God’s speaker – Must be patient – Will not always see the results – Must preach doctrine – True preaching in explanation and application of Bible doctrine

Reasons – People have carnal desires for religious novelties – Itching ears – giving them what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear – They regret the truth and turn to fables (myths) – People becomes prey of every false cult lacking the foundation in God’s Word – Preach the word with doctrines Fulfill your ministry (4:4-8) “Make full proof of thy ministry” – “fulfill whatever God wants you to do” No God-directed ministry is small or unimportant

Charles Spurgeon – Timothy: also a soldier (2 Timothy 2:3-4) – Endure afflictions (5) – Mainly from the religious crowd – Soul-winning and teaching saints Reason for the responsibility – Paul was leaving and Timothy was taking his place Paul looked around (6) Time was short “offered” – poured out on an altar as a drink offering; living sacrifice

“Departure” (6): to hoist an anchor and sail – Death as release from the world – An opportunity to sail into eternity – “take down a tent” (2 Cor. 5:1-8) – “loosing a prisoner” – unyoking of an ox Paul looked back (7) – As athlete, Paul had fought a good fight – As a runner, Paul had finished his lifelong race victoriously – As a steward, “I kept the faith” (7)

Paul looked ahead (8) – Crown (stephanos): the victor’s crown “Stephen” – diadema: diadem, meaning kingly crown – Crown of righteousness God’s reward for a faithful and righteous life Our incentive for faithfulness and holiness Be Diligent and Faithful (4:9-22) – Hurry and get here (9) – Getting things for Paul (13) – Practical: cloak for warmth and books for study – “Come before winter”(21) Dangerous for sailing in winter

– Faithful and diligent for others left him “Demas had forsaken me” – He preferred this present world – John Bunyan used Demas as the keeper of a silver mine at the Hill Lucre in Pilgrim’s Progress Only Luke was with Paul and at Paul’s hearing Lord was with Paul Paul’s concern was the preaching of the Word of God, not safety or comfort “I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion” (21) – Lions?: symbol of Satan (1 Peter 5:8) – “to be delivered from great danger (Ps. 22:21) – More dangerous than suffering and death: sin – “deliver from “every evil work: denial or disgrace to God’s name

– Names in closing parts of the letter 100+ people in Acts and Paul’s letters Paul couldn’t‘ do it by himself – Luke (4:11): “beloved physician” Author of the Gospel of Luke and Acts “We” Traveled with Paul (Col. 4:14) – Crescens (10): sent by Paul to Galatia Another faithful co-laborer – Titus (10): Paul’s close associate and troubleshooter in Crete Met Paul at Nicopolis (3:12) Paul called him to Rome and sent him to Dalmatia (former Yugoslavia)

– Mark (11): cousin of Barnabas Paul’s first missionary partner His mother, a noted Christian in Jerusalem ( Acts 12:5,12) He failed on the first missionary trip Paul refused Mark on second trip Later, he admitted John Mark was a valuable worker – Tychicus (12): a believer from Asia (Acts 20:4) Who occomanied Paul. He was with Paul during his first imprisonment Paul sent Tychicus to Crete to relieve Titus (Titus 3:12) and to Ephesus to relieve Timothy

– Carpus (13): lived at Troas and gave hospitality to Paul Paul left his cloak and books there So-called menial tasks are ministries to the Lord – Alexander the coppersmith (14) Same as in 1 Tim. 1:20? “Lord awarded him according to his works” (14) – Prisca and Aquila (19): husband/wife team who assisted Paul (Acts 18:1-3, 24-28, Rom. 16:3-4, 1 Cor. 16:19) They were in Ephesus helping Timothy

– Onesiphorus (19): His family in 2 Tim. 1 – Erastus (20): treasuer of Corinth (Rom. 16:23); same man helping Timothy in Macedonia (Acts 19:22) – Trophimus (20): a friend of Tychicus from Ephesus (Acts 20:14) His presence with Paul help to create a riot in Jerusalem (Acts 21:28-29) He served in Miletus and now was ill – Others unknown to us (21)

“grace be with you” (22): Paul’s farewell and trademark Tradition informs us that he was found guilty and sentence to die Probably beheaded This didn’t stop Timothy from carrying on the work John Wesley – “God buried His workmen, but His work goes on.” Be faithful