Deeper Life Bible Church, Aberdeen Sunday Message THE BURDENED HEARTS AND BENDED KNEES FOR THE LOST Matthew 9:35-38
The passage talks about four major factors that characterise the mission of Christ in saving the lost souls. They are; a) Motive a) Motive b) Message b) Message c) Method c) Method d) Manner d) Manner A church that is stagnant will be characterised by politics (positions) and performance (church duties) Therefore, God wants us to have a broadened vision to go beyond the four walls of the local church and reach out to sinners far and near
1. THE CRITICAL CONDITION OF THE LOST Matthew 9:36; Isaiah 59:1-8; Romans 3:10-18; 2 Corinthians 4:3,4; Ephesians 4:17-19; Luke 15:24; 2 Peter 2: The lost are destitute of the saving grace of God and they are in a very critical condition because they of: The danger of hell Praying without receiving answers Seeking without finding the way of life Discouraged and fainting Religious without righteousness Separation from the life of God Knowing so many things in the world but they are spiritually blinded Backsliders are also lost because they knew God before but they have abandoned him.
2.CHRIST-LIKE COMPASSION FOR THE LOST Matthew 9:35,36; Mark 6:34; Luke 10: Compassion will lead and prompt a Christian into actions of soul winning. It is only Compassion that can make us to reach out to dying souls of half-dead religious Sinners and backsliders. Our compassions must be shown through: Powerful passion Prolonged Prayer Purposeful Planning Prepared personnel Personal Participation Persistent Programme Parenting Preservation
3. CHRISTIANS COMMISSION TO THE LOST Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15,16; 2 Timothy 4:1-6 It is Christ’s command for us as saved souls to go into all the world and preach the Totality of Christ’s death and resurrection. We are not to preach Politics, church History, human opinion, religion and denomination. With His statement “I am with you always’’, there must not be any fear in our hearts For Effective Commission, we must: Plan for evangelism Programme ourselves to do it Place evangelism at the front burner
Conclusion Every believer has a charge to “ preach the word, to be instant in season and out of season. Our hearts must be full of burden and passion for these souls and so must our knees must be bent in prolonged prayer to preach the gospel and bring the dying souls to the Kingdom of God.