Memorial minutes Assembly agreed to add memorial minutes for 21 people to the record of Assembly.
New Moderator Assembly affirmed the appointment of the Rev Andrew Norton to the role of Moderator of the General Assembly.
All presbyteries to report to GA Assembly agreed that all presbyteries including Te Aka Puaho, Pacific Islands Synod and the Council of Asian Congregations be required to make both a written and verbal presentation at future General Assemblies.
Request for multi-lingual GA Assembly referred to Council of Assembly a request from Te Aka Puaho that all reports to General Assembly be translated into the languages that make up the Presbyterian Church and that a translation service be offered at General Assemblies to enable people to speak in their native tongue.
Relationship with Pacific Conference of Churches Assembly referred to Council of Assembly a request from Te Aka Puaho that the General Assembly make its relationship with the Pacific Conference of Churches a priority relationship.
Trainees can administer sacraments National Ordained Ministry interns and Local Ordained Ministry probationers may now be granted authority by the presbytery within which they serve to administer sacraments under supervision of their mentoring minister.
Preaching affirmed Assembly affirmed the role of all people who are gifted to preach and encourages them to take advantage of the theological training that is available. Assembly upheld the right of moderators to determine who may fill the pulpit. Assembly agreed that no further national policy is needed in this area.
Alpine Presbytery Assembly approved the amalgamation of Nelson-Marlborough, Christchurch, Ashburton and South Canterbury, and the West Coast Uniting Church Council to form Alpine Presbytery.
Presbytery Central Assembly approved the amalgamation of Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui, Gisborne-Hawke’s Bay and Wellington presbyteries, and the Wairarapa Union District Council to form Presbytery Central.
Beneficiary Fund Assembly agreed to consult with the Church Property Trustees to review the Beneficiary Fund. In a separate decision, Assembly agreed to minor amendments to the Beneficiary Fund Trust Deed that were needed to bring the Deed to comply with regulatory requirements.
Change to nomination process for moderator-designate Assembly agreed to change the supplementary provisions for the process of nominating the moderator- designate. Now each presbytery shall vote to nominate one candidate from the names submitted by churches within its bounds. The nominations from the seven presbyteries will then be included on the ballot paper for the election of the moderator-designate.
Cross-cultural Church Assembly agreed to declare itself to be “A multicultural Church with a bi-cultural commitment.” An explanatory statement was also adopted: “The Church affirms that it is cross-cultural in that it recognises that the richness of the Christian Gospel and its proclamation can be found in the sharing of experiences, wisdom and learning from many different cultures. The Church stands in opposition to any view that favours one culture over another as holding a monopoly on the interpretation of the Christian gospel. In affirming the Church to be cross-cultural the Church is also affirming that the Christian gospel creates community across cultures.” Assembly agreed to relevant changes to the Book of Order to reflect the statements that were adopted.
New senior active minister designation A supplementary provision was agreed by Assembly to enable retired ministers to be designated “Senior Active” if they wish.
Changes to Book of Order General Assembly approved a raft of changes to the Book of Order that had been considered by presbyteries and parishes under the special legislative procedure. Some new Supplementary Provisions to the Book of Order regarding the election, ordination and induction of elders were ratified by General Assembly. Some amendments to existing Supplementary Provisions were also agreed to by General Assembly. (The specific changes that were agreed to can be viewed in the General Assembly 2014 White Book.)
Tertiary chaplaincy supported Assembly affirmed the importance of ongoing support for tertiary chaplaincy in Aotearoa-New Zealand through involvement in the ITCC and the Regional Ecumenical Tertiary Chaplaincy.
Changes to nominating committee Assembly agreed that the membership of the nominating committee be 17 people. Assembly also agreed to some changes to the way that the nominating committee conducts its work including: The Nominating Committee Exec be comprised of five people, who would be appointed by the Committee itself The Nominating Committee Exec has power to make mid- term nominations, but significant mid-term nominations must be made by the whole committee All nominations for appointment to national committees and bodies to be made by the nominating committee.
Bioethics Assembly encouraged ministers, elders and church members to access the InterChurch Bioethics Council (ICBC) website and raise relevant issues with the ICBC.
Proposal on amalgamation not agreed A proposal was lost that asked for a regulation be added to the Book of Order to enable two or more congregations to amalgamate without the need for one or all congregations to dissolve.
Assembly supports lower standard of building compliance Assembly agreed to ask the Church Property Trustees to allow congregations to upgrade their buildings to 34 percent or similar of the New Building Standards, rather than the current 67 percent.
List of confessions remain unchanged A proposal was lost, which asked that the Confession of Belhar (1986) be included to the list of confessions recognised as authoritative statements of our reformed heritage.
Support for fossil fuel divestment Assembly declared that it regards investment in the fossil fuel industry to be unethical, socially irresponsible and contrary to the Church’s stated mission – in particular its care for creation. Cont…
Support for fossil fuel divestment Assembly requested that the Church Property Trustees and other agencies divest their funds from coal, oil and gas companies listed on the NZSE; the 100 largest global coal companies; and the 100 largest oil and gas companies, and that a period of time (eg three years) be set as a deadline of any existing stock holdings in these companies. Assembly requested that no future investment in the above companies be contemplated by the aforementioned agencies, but rather investment in sustainable energy industries be considered. Assembly encourage all congregations and members of the Church to seriously consider the same divestment action in relation to their own investments.
Assembly affirms work of Presbyterian Women Assembly agreed to commend and actively support the work of Presbyterian Women as they continue their valuable service to the church and community, and seek new ways to celebrate the ministry of women and girls in our Church.
AES appointment ratified Assembly ratified the appointment of the Rev Wayne Matheson to the role of Assembly Executive Secretary. His appointment is effective from 21 October 2014.
Special Commission on diversity A motion was lost that asked Assembly to establish a special commission on diversity to facilitate a programme of informed study and discussion throughout the Church on matters relating to sexuality in leadership and the conduct of marriage including liberty of conscience.
Ordination and ministry Assembly agreed to send a discussion paper by the Leadership Subcommittee on ordination and ministry to presbyteries for discussion for response by the end of May 2015.
Council of Assembly membership Assembly agreed that Council of Assembly membership be made up of one person from each presbytery (Northern, Pacific Islands Synod, Kaimai, Te Aka Puaho, Central, Alpine, Southern), Moderator of General Assembly, conveners of Resource and Leadership Subcommittees and one Asian/multicultural representative.
Council of Assembly nomination Assembly agreed to several amended regulations regarding how Council of Assembly members will be nominated: The nominating committee invite each presbytery to submit the names of three suitably skilled people from which the nominating committee will make recommendations to GA enabling a good mix of age, experience and gender. Te Aka Puaho and Pacific Islands Synod apply a process for selecting nominations that reflects their cultural practice. The nominating committee recommend to GA names for convener and deputy convener of the Council with at least one of the two to have significant organisational governance experience Amended regulations will be referred to presbyteries and congregations under the special legislative procedure The amended regulations be adopted ad interim and the nominating committee be directed to apply them to the formation of the CoA for agreement at the 2016 General Assembly.
New mission fund to be established Assembly asked the Council of Assembly to consult with presbyteries on the establishment of a Mission Enterprise Fund (MEF) including timeframes for implementation. Assembly agreed that 80% of the MEF be used to support presbytery-approved projects, seed-funding and the support of stipend/salaray for specific mission projects. Assembly agreed that 20% of the MEF be used to support ministry among the vulnerable and socially disadvantaged – partnering with Te Aka Puaho in the first instance. Cont…
New mission fund to be established That Press Go remain accountable to the Church through Council of Assembly and report annually on its activities to presbyteries to ensure transparency and accountability. This will include a five-yearly review by Council. That Council of Assembly work with partners to engage with Mission Enterprise development and this will include, but not be limited to, the Synod of Otago & Southland, UCANZ and Co-operating Ventures.
Conduct of marriage Assembly decided that in consistency with its Christian doctrine of marriage, General Assembly declares that the ministers of this Church may conduct a marriage service only for the union of a man and woman. This proposal be sent down to presbyteries and church councils and brought back to the next GA under special legislative procedure. That the proposal be adopted ad interim. That the Book of Order chapter 6 be amended by the addition of a new clause: “(5) a minister may solemnize marriage only between a man and woman.”
Property proceeds to support mission Assembly agreed that 10% of the net sale of property, where exclusions do not apply, are released to the Mission Enterprise Fund.
Interest on PIF to support mission Assembly agreed that 10% of the interest on PIF funds, where parishes agreed, are released to the Mission Enterprise Fund.
Assembly thanks PSDS The General Assembly conveyed the gratitude and thanks of the Church to the board and staff of Presbyterian Savings and Development Society for their years of service and offer its commendation and prayers.
Peace and reconciliation A motion was lost that asked General Assembly to call on political leaders to commit to active initiatives to promote peace, through non- violent conflict resolution and to oppose armed conflict. Cont…
Peace and reconciliation General Assembly encouraged congregations, church schools and service agencies with a connection to the Church to establish a programme of Just Peace based on the World Council of Church Ecumencial Call to Just Peace 2011.
Images from Assembly Images of the Moderator’s installation and other images from Assembly Week are available at AAC2cSPP4hfbMCs51fTTdF5Ha?dl=0 AAC2cSPP4hfbMCs51fTTdF5Ha?dl=0