Not Practicing What You Preach Aaron and Jojo
Background Richard LaPiere – 1934 Studying how what people say they would do is different from how they actually react once the situation arises Stated attitudes differ from actions
Method Traveled 10,000 miles with a Chinese couple Recorded how different restaurants and hotels reacted to the couple. Kept detailed records of employee reactions Kept the couple uninformed of the experiment. Sent questionnaires to all the establishments they visited (67 hotels, 184 restaurants) as well as 32 hotels and 96 restaurants they did not visit.
Results Only 51% of establishments replied Over 90% of respondents claimed they would not serve Chinese people Only 1 business had denied them service NIMBY (Not in my back yard). People may agree with an idea, yet want to part in it.
“Will you accept members of the Chinese Race as guests in your establishment?” Lodging (Visited) Restaurants (Visited) Lodging (Unvisited) Restaurants (Unvisited) Yes1001 Undecided3627 No
Criticism Yes/no answers are not an accurate measure of attitude The people who responded to the questionnaires may not have been the same people who dealt with the couple. Only 51% of the establishments visited sent a responded to the questionnaire. Those who responded may have only been ones that hold strong opinions against serving Asians.