Digital dividend planning, whitespace and wireless microphones Nevio Marinelli, ACMA
“Whitespace” = unused TV channels >Currently available for use by: >Biomedical telemetry >Wireless microphones >Underground communications
Whitespace >New devices are available, suggested or in development for: –Wireless broadband –Indoor Wi-Fi –Smart metering –Surveillance systems –Industrial control systems
Making use of whitespace >Devices designed to avoid using spectrum which is already in use >Allowed in US after industry campaigning and FCC testing >Under consideration in Europe
Whitespace in the USA >Different classes of device require either: –Geo-location & access to a TV channel database –Ability to sense other transmissions >Maximum power limits: –4W EIRP for fixed devices –100 mW EIRP for mobile devices
Whitespace issues >Detection-only is not necessarily sufficient >Need to consider other existing users of the band >Impact of different restack methods
Wireless Microphones >Currently operate on unused TV channels >Uses and users include –Live entertainment (concerts, theatre) –Schools, universities –Churches and halls –Gyms, fitness classes –and more...
Wireless Microphones – Now & Then
Wireless Microphones – Issues >Finalise arrangements >Changes to LIPD class licence and standard >Education and migration of users
Planning >Continue Digital Dividend work >Monitor international developments >Consider future arrangements