Getting the most from the ‘Digital Dividend’
The Digital Dividend What is it and why does it matter? What is the EU saying and doing about it? Can we put a value on it? Making it work locally The big Switch-Off Conclusions
What is it and Why does it Matter “The radio spectrum freed up for other uses when terrestrial TV goes analogue to digital” About 80% of current spectrum ‘cleared spectrum’ and ‘white space’ High quality spectrum: high bandwidth, long distance, and good penetration – about 320MHz of it. Radio spectrum is public property: must be used to maximise public interest
What can it be used for? More spectrum for terrestrial television – From standard to high definition – More channels – New geographical configuration – ‘Future-proof’ DTT standards 3G and new generation mobile Fixed Wireless Broadband
EU & International Dimension Coordination needs because: Overspill of signals near borders Enlarging market of identical equipment Roaming services are facilitated. BUT EU not in a position to pursue a mandatory approach because of huge national variations
EU Progress 2002: Radio Spectrum Decision created the Radio Spectrum Committee 2003: Invited members states to switch by 2012 “as far as possible” 2006: International Telecoms Union agrees MHz shared between TV, mobile, fixed 2009: Commission Communication: MSs “requested to reaffirm commitment to 2012 switch-off.” 2010: Commission Decision: No obligation to open 800MHz to other services before 2015, but if you do, must follow common technical parameters. Key Future Issues: Use of “White Space”.
Putting a Value on the Digital Dividend Different kinds of value: Private Value: As private consumers and users, including producer innovation, incremental value External Value: As citizens, the shared collective value
The sums Private Value for EU estimates: €150 billion to €600 billion over 15 years Most recent: €0.2 billion to €95 billion External/Social Value EU estimate: €7.5 billion to €90 billion
Research in Serbia Europe-economics Study 2010 concludes: “there is not enough ‘core information’ in Serbia to allow a valuation from basics (it would take a lot of time and money to get such information).”
Potential Social Benefits Access and inclusion, including public services Quality of life Belonging to community Educated citizens Cultural understanding Informed democracy Social ‘bads’ (negative value from above)
Services Delivering Social Good Programme making and Special events Low power e.g. Home wireless, ‘last-mile’ Local television, community and commercial Rural and mobile broadband National DTT including public service High definition TV on DTT
Digital Dividend and Local/Community Television Council of Europe: Concerned that the European Commission promotes pushes private value, downplaying public value, and argues for a better balance. Argues the case for community television, supported by the European Parliament Pushes to make digital spectrum available for Community Television
Ofcom (UK) Digital Local Report Five ways people value local broadcasting: Inform us about our locality Stimulate interest in arts, sciences, history,and local ways to get involved, informal learning Reflect and strengthen cultural identify Raise awareness of cultural diversity Support and enhance access to local services.
ASO and DTT in SEE Analogue Switch Off: Croatia completed December 2010 Serbia Deadline April 2012 Montenegro Deadline end 2012 Bosnia & Herzegovina Dec 2011 ( ?) DTT: Difficulties with commercial model Albania first service 2004 Macedonia first service 2009 Serbia: Trial in Autumn 2011? Two multiplexes: National/Regional; and local programmes.
Recommendations A measured approach, each country at their own pace. Opening a debate around – What is the value of the Digital Dividend, and the social value? – Should spectrum be allocated around public need, and not a market driven approach, or both? – Should spectrum be kept to allow TV develop? – Can non-profit community channels deliver social value, and how can they survive?