BUDGET 2007 APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY PERSONAL TAX Usual relief for individuals, BUT still a top marginal rate of 40% How do we compare globally? OECD?
BUDGET 2007 APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY PERSONAL TAX Savings and retirement reform – WELCOMED Abolition of retirement fund tax – WELCOMED
BUDGET 2007 APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY PERSONAL TAX (cont.) Tax-free savings Thresholds increased: –Estate duty –Donations – CGT ALL WELCOMED
BUDGET 2007 APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY STC REFORMS Phase 1 (of 2) –Reduction of STC rate: 12,5% to 10% –With effect from 1 October 2007 Long lead time + Sketchy details = …CONSIDERABLE UNCERTAINTY
STC – As we know it: GROUPS APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY HOLDCO OPCO dividend NO STC: Group exemption STC payable - effective rate: 36.89% (now %) Level of tax
STC – As we know it: GENERAL APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY INVESTCO OPCO NO STC: Credit STC payable Level of tax dividend
Impact of Dividend Withholding Tax APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY INVESTCO OPCO Level of tax dividend Level of tax? withholds
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY ISSUES: Withholding tax – on ALL shareholders International practice: DWT (typically) only on NON RESIDENT shareholder Dividend withholding tax
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY ISSUES Exemption of dividend income? Retirement Fund Tax abolished: –Will Retirement Funds be taxed under DWT? Dividend Withholding Tax
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY ISSUES Exemption of dividend income? Public Benefit Organisations –Position must be addressed –If DWT applies… –NOT tax exempt Dividend withholding tax
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY ISSUES Question: who are the ultimate shareholders? It is US, individuals: –Funds: RFT abolished, but DWT? –Unit Trusts: will it be able to pass DWT on to investor? –(Currently: investor gets STC credit) Dividend withholding tax
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY CORPORATE ISSUES How are INTRA-GROUP dividends to be treated? Under STC system: no tax until dividend exits group Dividend withholding tax
How will DWT impact GROUPS? APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY HOLDCO OPCO dividend NO STC: Group exemption STC payable - effective rate: 36.89% (now %) Level of tax
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY ISSUES No mention of IMPUTATION SYSTEM –Should provide CREDIT: –for TAXES on profits –out of which dividends are paid Dividend Withholding Tax
Imputation system APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY INVESTCO OPCO NO STC: Credit STC payable Level of tax dividend
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY ISSUES Transitional issue: Section 44(9) ITA abolished: –Throws amalgamation transactions in turmoil –More focused interim provision required –New changes to be introduced: only October 2007 Dividend withholding tax
APPLYING LAW DIFFERENTLY ISSUES Transitional issue: –How will accumulated STC credits be treated? –Impact on financing transactions (preference shares) Dividend withholding tax