The Steps in Long Division By Miss B.
Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers? Use this helpful phrase to remember the steps of long division.
Before We get Started Underline the first digit of the dividend (inside box) Can I make a group of 6 with 2 marbles? Underline the 4 Can I make groups of 6 with 24 marbles? YES! You will place the 1st digit of your quotient (answer) above the 4. Place an x here as well as above any digits to the right in the dividend. Your will have 2 digits in your quotient 6 246
Step 1: Does (Divide) How many groups of 6 can you make with 24 marbles? Use objects or a multiplication table to help you. You can make 4 groups of 6 Write the 4 above the 4 in the dividend 4 6 246
Step 2: McDonalds (Multiply) Multiply the 4 in the quotient by the 6 (divisor) Write the product under the 24 you underlined in the before we start step 4 6 246 24
Step 3: Sell (Subtract) Subtract your product from the underlined number in the dividend. 4 6 246 24
Step 4: Cheese (Check) Check that your difference is less than your divisor. If it is not, you need to check steps 1-3. If it is, you are set to move on to step 5 4 6 246 24
Step 5: Burgers (Bring Down) Next bring down the next number in the dividend. If it is equal to or larger than your divisor repeat the steps. If it is less than the divisor, place a 0 to hold the place value in the quotient and then bring down the next number in the dividend. (see example 2) If there are no more numbers in the dividend, what ever is left over becomes the remainder. (see example 2) 4 6 246 24 6
Step 1: Does (Divide) How many groups of 6 can you make with 6 marbles? Use objects or a multiplication table to help you. You can make 1 group of 6 Write the 1 above the 6 in the dividend. 4 1 6 246 24 6 6
Step 2: McDonalds (Multiply) Multiply the 1 in the quotient by the 6 (divisor) Write the product under the 6. 4 1 6 246 24 6 6 6
4 1 24 6 6 6 Step 3: Sell (Subtract) Subtract your product from the 6. 6 246 24 6 6 6
Step 4: Cheese (Check) Check that your difference is less than your divisor. If it is not, you need to check steps 1-3. If it is, you are set to move on to step 5 4 1 6 246 24 6 6 6
Step 5: Burgers (Bring Down) If your difference is 0 and there is nothing left to bring down, you are finished! If there is another digit in the dividend to bring down start the steps again. If your difference is not 0, but less than the divisor and there are no other numbers to bring down, the difference becomes the remainder. Your answer is 41! 4 1 6 246 24 6 6 6
How can you check your answer? Multiply the quotient by the divisor. If your product is the dividend, you are correct! 4 1 6 246 41 x 6 246
Example 2 If it is less than the divisor, place a 0 to hold the place value in the quotient and then bring down the next number in the dividend. If there are no other numbers to bring down, it becomes the remainder. 4 R5 6 245 24 005
Practice some problems on your own! D M S C B