Division with decimals The following techniques will be covered in this presentation: Converting to fractions and using fraction division (and possibly integer division) Common denominator division with integer division
Converting to fractions and using fraction division Technique 1
Example 1: Find the quotient 5.31 ÷ 0.3 Rewrite the divisor and dividend as fractions. Perform the fraction division – simplify if you can
Example 2: Find the quotient 10.5 ÷ Rewrite the divisor and dividend as fractions. 2. Perform the fraction division – simplify if you can 3. or use integer division to finish the problem off…
Example 3: Find the quotient 76.5 ÷ Rewrite the divisor and dividend as fractions. 2. Perform the fraction division – do any easy reductions 3. Integer division to finish the problem off…
Common denominator division with integer division Technique 2
Example 4: Find the quotient 27.6 ÷ Convert each decimal to fraction form: 2. Since the fractions share a common denominator, so we can simply divide the numerators. 3. Finish the problem using integer division methods.
Example 5: Find the quotient 85.2 ÷ Convert each decimal to fraction form: 2. Rewrite with a common denominator, then divide the numerators. 3. Finish the problem using integer division methods.