Developing Holistic Youth and Agriculture Policies FANRPAN HIGH LEVEL POLICY DIALOGUE 2011 J. F. FONSECA Developing Holistic Youth and Agriculture Policies.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Holistic Youth and Agriculture Policies FANRPAN HIGH LEVEL POLICY DIALOGUE 2011 J. F. FONSECA Developing Holistic Youth and Agriculture Policies FANRPAN HIGH LEVEL POLICY DIALOGUE 2011 J. F. FONSECA

Structure Part I: Highlights Day 2 and Day 3 Part II: FANRPAN Project on “Developing Holistic Agriculture and Youth Policies”, supported by CTA ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Context  Demographic growth  Declining and ageing agricultural population  Youth : bulk of the population  Rural – urban migration ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Youth as part of the problem Factors: Unemployment Underemployment Large periods of inactivity Working poverty Resulting in: ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

 Political and social instability  Delinquency, crime…  Opportunities for development wasted ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Youth as part of the solution Learning and physical aptitude Openness, creativity and innovation Energy and enthusiasm ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Youth - Absolute advantages in: Technologies Information & knowledge brokerage ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Demographic dividend Innovation & productive investments  higher per capita income Working age population > dependent population Educated, healthy, motivated youth with jobs and decent salaries ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Agricultural value chains  Rural – urban continuum  Agriculture: more than food on the table  Productivity based agricultural transformation + value addition: opportunities for the youth ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Challenges faced by the youth in AVC: Few assets (land, finance…) Limited access to valuable info Lack of investment opportunities Minimal technical support Undefined market options ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Youth and image of agriculture Drudgery Low technology and social profile Low reward and limited opportunities High risks ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Youth and image of agriculture Perceptions or realities? Only youth? ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Agriculture and youth Don’t treat youth as a homogeneous group: cater for different problems, needs and demands ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Youth Rural – urban youth Different levels of education; illiteracy School and post-school youth ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Females: limited access to assets, teen pregnancy, early motherhood, lack of assets, various vulnerabilities… Males: alcohol and drug abuse, delinquency and crime… …. ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Attracting youth to agriculture, in particular the most talented ones Science and Technology o Agricultural and processing technologies o ICTs, including social media ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Capacities Opportunities Voice and youth organizations within and outside the agricultural/rural sector ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Capacities Education, extension, access to information, health, collective wisdom… Training: technical knowledge, managerial skills, leadership, critical thinking, moral development ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Opportunities Access to land, stable finance, equipment… Entrepreneurship Job and decent salaries Services and institutions Various, new professions along VC! ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Voice Space for policy representation and engagement Multi-stakeholders policy dialogue Representation at managerial level Support to youth organizations, clubs, networks, forums, … ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Specific youth policies in the areas of education, health, land, finance, employment, etc. taking in account agricultural needs Inter-sectoral coordination, harmonization and integration ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Developing a holistic youth and agriculture policy framework A FANRPAN Project supported by CTA ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

A case for holistic agriculture and youth policies Renewed interest in youth policies, but where is agriculture? Governments? CAADP? AU? Global debates?  Urban bias which increases as problems in urban areas become more acute  Within agricultural policies: youth not an specific issue ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

A need for: Sound technology-based agricultural transformation policies Explicit youth policies with specific policy instruments under agricultural policies Policies and institutions to building on, and going beyond, success stories ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Expected outcomes The project will contribute to: 1. Youth and agriculture policies developed and treated in all its dimensions and components as a national priority ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

2. Coherent cross-sectoral policies for the development of capacities, opportunities and incentives for the engagement of youth in agricultural value chains designed ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

3. Meaningful and active engagement of young people in agriculture policy processes and decision-making through capable youth-based organizations ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

4. Political and public support as well as scientific, technical and financial resources for policy formulation and implementation ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Expected results 1. Youth interests, views and proposals identified and taken into consideration ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

2. Opportunities for developing and streamlining youth specific policies into agricultural policies identified ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

3. Advocacy strategies for developing opportunities, capacities and incentives for young people in agricultural value chains outlined ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Methodology Research and analysis National level Regional synthesis Consultations Formulation of policy proposals ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Methodology Media work: conventional media, social media Advocacy and lobbying National, regional, continental engagement (NEPAD/CAADP…) Capacity development Resource mobilization ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Year 1 Activities Country case studies on current and emerging youth policies with a special focus on links with agriculture Start: October 2011 Draft report: February 2012 Final report, incl. synthesis: March 2012 ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Year 1 Activities Country case studies on current and emerging youth policies with a special focus on links with agriculture o Start: October 2011 o Draft report: February 2012 o Final report, incl. synthesis: March 2012 ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Case studies: outputs Views and interests among young people, taking into account current changes in agriculture Coverage of rural youth and agriculture under current national youth policies and initiatives assessed ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Case studies: outputs Institutions, mechanisms and tools for engagement of youth in policy processes described Opportunities for streamlining youth and agriculture into youth policies and agricultural policies ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

National and regional evidence- based multi-stakeholder policy dialogue: Tanzania, October 2012 Media outreach on agricultural and youth policies: ongoing, starting 2011 FANRAPN Policy Dialogue ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

Advocacy campaign targeting national, regional and continental decision- makers and stakeholders Direct engagement with national, regional and continental policy processes (CAADP…) and decision- makers 5/15/201540

2012 – 2014 Programme To be developed: first working session: Saturday, 25/09/11 5/15/201541
