New Media Summit Digital Agenda, Beograd, September 2011 Challenges for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Slovenia Mojca Jarc,


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Presentation transcript:

New Media Summit Digital Agenda, Beograd, September 2011 Challenges for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Slovenia Mojca Jarc, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology

“Broadband is Europe's digital oxygen” Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Broadband connectivity is a key component for the development, adoption and use of information and communication technologies in the economy and in society. Broadband is of strategic importance because of its ability to accelerate the contribution of these technologies to growth and innovation in all sectors of the economy and to social and territorial cohesion. Introduction to the Community Guidelines for the application of State aid rules in relation to rapid deployment of broadband networks (2009)

Slovenia: Basic Data Area: km 2 Population: 2 mio, density 98 per km 2 Capital city: Ljubljana (population ) Official languages: Slovenian, Italian, Hungarian in nationally mixed areas Currency: Euro Constitution: Parliamentary republic Constitution of Slovenia: adopted in 1991 Legislative power: National Assembly and partially National Council Executive power: Government Single level system of local self- government (210 municipalities) EU Member State since May 1, 2004 Head of State: president Danilo Türk

Digital Agenda for Europe Europe 2020 goals: Short term goal is successful exit from the economic crisis. Long term goal is to ensure a sustainable future for Europe. Digital Agenda has detected 7 main obstacles: Fragmented digital markets Lack of interoperability Rising cybercrime and risk of low trust in networks Lack of investment in networks Insufficient research and innovation efforts Lack of digital literacy and skills Missed opportunities in addressing societal challenges

Digital Agenda: Key Performance Target Basic broadband for all by 2013: basic broadband coverage for 100% of EU citizens. Fast broadband by 2020: broadband coverage at 30 Mbps or more for 100% of EU citizens and 50% above 100 Mbps. 50% of the population should be buying online by Increase regular internet use from 60% to 75% by Halve the proportion of population that has never used the internet by 2015 (from 30% to 15%). By 2015: 50% of citizens using eGovernment. ICT R&D increase: Double public investment by Promotion of low energy lighting: By 2020 at least 20% overall reduction in energy use on lighting.

Broadband: Regulatory Framework Electronic Communications Act (2004, amendments 2006, 2009) Broadband Development Strategy (2008) No restrictions on foreign investments All special and exclusive rights were abolished in 2001 and liberalisation was introduced de iure and de facto All services are provided on the basis of notification with exception the services using radiofrequency. If specific radiofrequency band will not be available to all interested parties – public tender is required

Broadband: Institutional Framework Policy making body: The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Independent regulatory body: The Post and Electronic Communications Agency is ex-ante regulator Competition Protection Office is ex-post regulator

Statistical Data Penetration of BB access/hh.72,7 % Penetration of BB access/inh.24,9 % DSL BB 57,2 % Cable25,3 % FTTH 16,0 % Fibre optics homes passed44,0%

BB Penetration Slovenija Broadband penetration within the EU. Graph shows that the BB penetration in Slovenia is in the middle of the EU figures and very close to the EU27 average.

FTTH Slovenija

Present State in the Electronic Communications switchover from analogue to the digital broadcasting (Dec 2010) Most of indicators: around EU average FTTH growth – 4. place in EU, FTTH penetration rate: 5. place in EU Competition between T2 and Telekom Slovenije in FTTH technology 17 projects in 43 local communities (out of 210) in mostly FTTH technology using ERDF (82 mio €), state budget and private funds Overlapping of infrastructure, Calm of investment Need to reflect on a new development model – to include in the new strategy and legislation

New Broadband Strategy - goals New Broadband Strategy goals: By 2013: Basic broadband coverage for 100% of EU citizens By 2013: Basic broadband coverage for 100% of EU citizens By 2020: Broadband coverage at 30 Mbps or more for 100 % of EU citizens (Fast BB) By 2020: Broadband coverage at 30 Mbps or more for 100 % of EU citizens (Fast BB) By 2020: 50 % of European households should have subscriptions above 100 Mbit/s (Ultra- fast BB) By 2020: 50 % of European households should have subscriptions above 100 Mbit/s (Ultra- fast BB) FTTH penetration

New Broadband Strategy Promote further investments and development of the optical networks - FTTH and FTTN for rural areas; Provide for the proper regulation of the broadband access networks (by opening the optical infrastructure, providing proper cost model, providing symmetrical regulation), Improve the usage of the already built FTTH networks, Improve the utilization of the legacy networks by combining FTTN networks with shortening of the existing copper networks, Introduce new technologies to further cut the cost of building broadband access networks in rural areas (radio access), Improve the usage of digital dividend obtained during the introduction of DVB—T in order to provide for the cheap and fast last mile access.

Thank you