ELECTRONIC BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Learning objectives Identify the different elements of the e-environment that impact on an organisation’s e-business.


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Presentation transcript:


Learning objectives Identify the different elements of the e-environment that impact on an organisation’s e-business and e-marketing strategy. Assess the impact of legal, moral and ethical constraints or opportunities on a company and devise solutions to accommodate them. Assess the role of macro-economic factors such as economics, taxation and legal constraints

Issues for managers What are the constraints placed on developing and implementing an e-business strategy by the e-environment? What factors influence the adoption of new digital media and how can we estimate future demand for online services? How can trust and privacy be assured for the customer while seeking to achieve marketing objectives of customer acquisition and retention?

Activity 4.1 List all the social, legal and ethical issues that the manager of a sell-side e- commerce web site needs to consider to avoid damaging relationships with users of his or her site or which may leave the company facing prosecution. You can base your answer on issues which may concern you, your friends or family when you access a web site.

Activity answer – this lecture Cookies – laws and consumer perception on placing these Are we limiting access to information from certain sections of society (social exclusion)? Privacy of personal information entered on a web site Sending unsolicited Replying promptly to Copyright Site content and promotional offers/adverts are in keeping with the different laws in different countries Providing text, graphics and personality in keeping with social mores of different countries

SLEPT Factors Macro-environment –Social –Legal –Economic –Political –Technological

Social Demand analysis (part of micro- environment) –Have access to the channel. –Are influenced by using the channel. –Purchase using the channel.

Popularity of online activities Figure 4.1 Popular online activities in the UK showing variation between October 2000 and October 2002 Source: Copyright © Crown copyright 2002, Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO.

Internet access worldwide Figure 4.2 Percentage of global population with Internet access Source: Reprinted from CyberAtlas.com, a publication of Jupitermedia Corporation. Copyright © 2003 Jupitermedia Corporation

Internet and PC penetration Figure 4.3 Global variation in number of PCs per hundred population and percentage Internet access in 2002 Source: International Telecommunications Union

Demographics of UK population Figure 4.4 Variation in demographic characteristics of UK Internet users Source: ONS (2002)

% of employees that access Internet Figure 4.6 Average percentage of employees using the Internet at least once a month Source: DTI (2002)

% businesses who identify suppliers online Figure 4.7 Percentage of businesses that identify suppliers online Source: DTI (2002)

Ethical issues and data protection Ethical issues concerned with personal information ownership have been usefully summarised by Mason (1986) into four areas: 1.Privacy – what information is held about the individual? 2.Accuracy – is it correct? 3.Property – who owns it and how can ownership be transferred? 4.Accessibility – who is allowed to access this information, and under which conditions?

Ethics – Fletcher’s view Fletcher (2001) provides an alternative perspective, raising these issues of concern for both the individual and the marketer: – Transparency – who is collecting what information? – Security – how is information protected once collected by a company? – Liability – who is responsible if data is abused?

The eight principles for data protection Fairly and lawfully processed; processed for limited purposes; adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate; not kept longer than necessary; processed in accordance with the data subject's rights; secure; not transferred to countries without adequate protection.

Opt-in vs opt-out Figure 4.8 (a) Opt-in online form, (b) opt-out form

Opt-in vs opt-out Figure 4.8 (c) implicit opt-in

Information flows for data protection Figure 4.9 Information flows that need to be understood for compliance with data protection legislation


Legal – Sparrow’s eight areas 1.Marketing your e-commerce business 2.Forming an electronic contract 3.Making and accepting payment 4.Authenticating contracts concluded over the Internet 5. risks 6.Protecting intellectual property 7.Advertising on the Internet 8.Data protection

Economic / Political Ensuring companies competitive –Funding for education and technology: e.g. –Promoting new technology e.g. broadband 12% in UK, 70% Taiwan, South Korea Achieving government efficiencies –E-government – all UK services online by 2005 –Singapore ‘Intelligent Island’ Taxation regimes –Legislation for offshore trading

E-economy framework Figure 4.11 A framework describing the e-economy Source: Booz Allen Hamilton (2002). Copyright © Crown copyright 2002, Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO.

Leaders and laggards in e-commerce Figure 4.12 Leaders and laggards in e-commerce Source: © 2003 Reproduced by permission of the Economist Intelligence Unit. E-readiness Rankings 2003

Technological issues Rate of change –Which new technologies should we adopt? Monitoring for new techniques Evaluation – are we early adopter? Re-skilling and training Are our systems secure?

Diffusion of adoption curve Figure 4.13 Diffusion–adoption curve

Personalisation at RS Components Figure 4.14 Personalization at RS Components (

Responses to change in technology Figure 4.15 Alternative responses to changes in technology