Chapter 3 Selling on the Web: Revenue Models and Building a Web Presence
Sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Net income
E-commerce business models Brokerage Advertising Infomediary Merchant Manufacturer Affiliate Community Subscription Utility
Brokerage Brokers are market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions. Brokers play a frequent role in (B2B (B2C), (C2C) markets. Usually a broker charges a fee or commission for each transaction it enables. The formula for fees can vary.
Brokerage Marketplace Exchange. [Orbitz, ChemConnect]OrbitzChemConnect Business Trading Community [VerticalNet]VerticalNet Buy/Sell Fulfillment --. [CarsDirect,] Demand Collection System -- [] Auction Broker. [eBay]eBay Transaction Broker [PayPal,] Bounty Broker [BountyQuest]BountyQuest Distributor [Questlink, ConvergeTrade]QuestlinkConvergeTrade Search Agent [MySimon, DealTime]MySimonDealTime Virtual Mall [ChoiceMall]ChoiceMall
Advertising Portal -- [Yahoo!]Yahoo! Personalized [MyYahoo!]MyYahoo! Niche Portal -- [] Classifieds [,] Registered Users [NYTimes Digital]NYTimes Digital Query-based Paid Placement -- [Google, Overture]Google Overture Contextual Advertising [Gator, eZula]GatoreZula
Infomediary Advertising Networks --. [DoubleClick]DoubleClick Audience Measurement Services -- [Nielsen//Netratings]Nielsen//Netratings Incentive Marketing --. [Coolsavings, MyPoints, Greenpoints]CoolsavingsMyPointsGreenpoints Metamediary -- [Edmunds]Edmunds
Merchant Virtual Merchant -- [] Catalog Merchant -- [Lands' End]Lands' End Click and Mortar -- [Barnes & Noble]Barnes & Noble Bit Vendor --. [Eyewire]Eyewire
Manufacturer Purchase - dell Lease -- License -- (e.g., with software licensing). Brand Integrated Content [bmwfilms].bmwfilms
Affiliate Banner Exchange -- Barnes & Noble,]Barnes & Noble Pay-per-click Revenue Sharing
Community Open Source. [Red Hat]Red Hat Public Broadcasting -- [The Classical Station (]The Classical Knowledge Networks -- [AllExperts]AllExperts
Subscription Content Services -- [, Netflix] Netflix Person-to-Person Networking Services -- [Classmates]Classmates Trust Services -- [Truste]Truste Internet Services Providers. [America Online]America Online
Utility Metered Usage -- Metered Subscriptions [Slashdot]Slashdot