Protecting life, environment and property… 1 AutroMaster 5000: Version 4.0 Functionalities ID: AM5000_Functionalities_Eng,
Protecting life, environment and property… 2 Presentation of Monitored Areas Graphical presentation Customer specific maps Immediate and updated presentation of the monitored and controlled areas
Protecting life, environment and property… 3 Application Gives the operator information regarding dangers/ faults in the monitored area on the screen Makes sure the operator is made aware of deviating incidents
Protecting life, environment and property… 4 Information Levels Can turn information levels on/off The operator can choose the level of information is to be displayed
Protecting life, environment and property… 5 Application Lets the operator turn on/off information relevant in an emergency situation for instance fire doors, sprinkler systems, high voltage cables etc. The operator can turn of unnecessary information
Protecting life, environment and property… 6 Control over Fire Safety Equipment Supports a wide range of fire safety equipment, such as: –AutroSafe panels and loop units –BS-100 centrals –PLCs –Dardo emergency lights
Protecting life, environment and property… 7 Application Lets the operator: –Disable/enable loop units –Set units in a test mode –Open/close doors
Protecting life, environment and property… 8 The Report Generator Allows the user to generate reports and logs The reports can be printed and saved for later use Web-interface
Protecting life, environment and property… 9 Application The operator can generate; –historical reports –status reports –reports on disabled units –version information –analogue values and SMV The report generator is a good tool for maintaining and documenting the system
Protecting life, environment and property… 10 Time Synchronization AutroMaster 5000 can be synchronized with a central clock In a distributed system, several AutroMaster 5000 systems can synchronize their clocks with each other Makes sure the reports are compatible regarding point of time
Protecting life, environment and property… 11 Support for Several Languages AutroMaster 5000 is available in these languages: –Norwegian –English –Swedish –Danish –Finnish –Dutch –Portugese –Spanish
Protecting life, environment and property… 12 Back-up Tools Tools to generate, read and compare back-up Supports back-up on; –Floppy –USB memory stick –Tape
Protecting life, environment and property… 13 Software Upgrade Easy to upgrade to more recent versions Upgrades from CD
Protecting life, environment and property… 14 System/Point History Gives the operator a complete view, either over the system or over one single point and its development over time Helpful when indicating problems and isolating faults/sources of faults
Protecting life, environment and property… 15 Master/Slave Configuration A master can have up to four slaves A slave can in turn be a master to other slaves The units are independent of each other If communication fails, the units will automatically try to re-establish communication Notices on communication faults will be sent to both the master and the slave. In case of communication fault, both master and slave will show communication fault
Protecting life, environment and property… 16 Application Allows information and monitoring to be distributed to several AutroMaster 5000 systems in the controlled area
Protecting life, environment and property… 17 PLC Integration Can control and monitor PLCs Supports modbus communication Supports SAIA
Protecting life, environment and property… 18 Application Allows monitoring of for instance: –valves –fire doors –process systems –water fog systems
Protecting life, environment and property… 19 ESPA messages AutroMaster 5000 can use ESPA to contact pagers Can be programmed to page the user when the alarm system is activated
Protecting life, environment and property… 20 Duty Control In distributed systems duty control can be transferred between computers Allows operators on different computers to make sure they are in control of the system
Protecting life, environment and property… 21 Watchdog When there are faults in the system, the system itself will alert the operator
Protecting life, environment and property… 22 Fire Patrol, Monitoring Monitors fire patrols –to verify that the fire patrol are making its rounds, the fire patrol has to sign in at certain points following a defined plan –If a signature is missing, the alarm will be activated
Protecting life, environment and property… 23 Door Control Supports monitoring and control over doors Doors can be controlled automatically, according to predefined incidents, and manually Can control fire doors and water tight doors
Protecting life, environment and property… 24 Low Location Lights Monitors and controls low location lights In case of an evacuation, AutroMaster 5000 will ignite the lights by the emergency exits Used on ships and airplanes
Protecting life, environment and property… 25 Dardo Emergency Lights Supports Dardo2 and DardoPlus emergency lights systems Automatic monitoring and control Displays a simple status on emergency light units such as lines, centrals and fixtures Allows the operators to test emergency lights Can generate reports
Protecting life, environment and property… 26 Screen Dimming Supports light dimming on the AutroMaster 5000 screen Allows the operators to keep the night vision
Protecting life, environment and property… 27 Detector Group Handling Can group detectors and other loop units Make it easy to disable several detectors at once
Protecting life, environment and property… 28 Disabling/Enabling Detectors/Groups Detectors, loop units and groups can be disabled and enabled When maintenance work is done in the monitored area, the detectors can be disabled so that the system is not activated by accident Can disable groups according to a time schedule
Protecting life, environment and property… 29 Security Clearance Levels To access the different operator levels,the operator must submit a password Prevents unauthorized personnel from gaining access to the system
Protecting life, environment and property… 30 VDR Can send data to VDR* *VDR= Voyage Data Recorder