Spark Plugs So little, but so important!
General info… Connected to the spark plug leads Ignite the air-fuel mix Are a consumable component Can be changed to match driving style
What makes up a spark plug? A terminal Electrodes, center and side Ceramic insulator Ribs Grounded base
Spark plug gap Is the space between the center and side electrodes The gap is determined by the vehicle manufacturer
Why gap them? Too little gap and your spark might be too weak or small to ignite the air-fuel mix Too much and the plug might not fire, or miss at high speeds
Spark plug types A ‘Hot’ plug refers to a plug that keeps the plug tip hot A ‘Cold’ plug is one that is better at transferring heat to the cylinder head
Check and change intervals Check your spark plugs once a year About 20,000kms Change them ever two years About 40,000kms Learn how to ‘read’ a plug
When you install them Always start the plug by hand Always put ‘anti-seize’ on the threads Always gap them to specification Never over torque, they may break Or never come out again!