ORB 4-H Online Record Book member training
introductions Programmers: David Krause and Jon Wilson Committee Members Shannon Dogan, Steven Worker, Gemma Miner, Scott Mautte, Katherine Heck, Aarti Subramaniam, Ravi Rangi, and Quang “Hogan” Tong Special Thank You to our Beta Testers
Passwords Parents will need to sign into 4hOnline system For those families without access, they will need to click on “I forgot my password” A password will then be sent to them via the 4hOnline system Keep 4hOnline updated – if it’s not in 4hOnline, it’s not going to show up in the Online Record book
Login Screen at: Youth Login Required family record book password Login
How to Login Regardless of how many members are in a family, the one password will be shared by the entire family. Once Parents have set the family password members may login and select their profile.
Like facebook Share in the 4-H community Learn what others are doing Follow along club events that you might be interested in joining Sparkle Spark Score Club meetings Development activities Presentations Photographs Comments Promotions
Expectations California 4-H Online Record Book System Community Expectations Be respectful of others. Use appropriate language and not use profanity. Be honest. Do not pretend to be someone else. Do not bully, intimidate, or harass others. Do not transmit or post content that is hateful, threatening, explicit, or sexual in nature; provokes violence; or contains graphic or gratuitous violence. Do not post copyrighted material. Do not promote specific religious beliefs or political opinions. Do not upload viruses or other malicious code. Do not attempt to gain access to areas, information, servers, domains, or other material to which expressed permission has not been given. Accept responsibility for your actions.
Sample Screen
How it works The Basics: You would enter information through the tool bar Motto: this is the newsfeed that the entire club can see Photo/Video: You will be able to upload photos and videos Event/Activity: the main tab where record book entries are made Award/Honors: awards entries are entered Expense/Income: expense and income entries entered Message: members will be able to send and receive messages from volunteers and members
Personal Development My Star Rankings: Takes you to star ranking accomplishment chart. My Awards: List of your Awards My Club Meeting Record: List of Club meetings My PDR activities: Personal Development Records posted by club members
Projects The Projects Tab will contain a shortcut to projects that the you are in
Profile My Messages: you will be able to send and receive messages from volunteers and other members My Action Center: Takes you to Annual Project Reports, Junior/Teen Leader Reports, Start Record Book My Story: Go here to fill in the “My Story” section of the record book. My Photo Albums: List of all photos that have been uploaded. My Spark Score/Questions: A listing of all the spark questions that the you have answered My Settings: Change section 508 accessibility, social access, newsfeeds from club, newsfeeds from projects.
Club Info Club Activities: Short cut to all posted activities in the club Club Membership Roster: Roster of members in your club Club Leaders and Officers: Roster of volunteer leaders and club officers Club Leaderboard: Statistical page that tracts club members activities, See who has the most projects or did the most presentations
Club Activities Grab Hand to make your own Date and Activity are available to be rearranged chronologically and alphabetically The Dropdown menu has Four choices: Show Everything PDR Activities Project Activities Club Meetings
Avatar Chart Clubs: How many clubs you are in Projects: How many projects you are in Activities: How many activities you have posted Spark Score: How many spark points you have earned Hours: How many hours a you have entered into ORB via projects, meetings, etc… Silver : Current star achieved Youth : Person is a youth member
Spark Score Spark points are generated by answering Spark questions Each time you answer a survey you earn spark points The surveys are based on Thrive materials By completing Spark Surveys you are entered to win an iPad2!
Progress Bar Summary information about the year Meetings auto calculated When you are ready to submit a record book click on the Action Center. Don’t forget to complete the “My Story Section”
ORB Support Questions should be directed to County Staff Record book Yahoo group: /join /join Record Book Support Page: rs/RecordBook/ rs/RecordBook/
Timeline September 1: Open to entire state August – November: Correct basic issues found through use September – January: I&R Committee develops State Judging guidelines
In Summary The 4-H Online Record Book provides connection with members and volunteers enrolled in a 4-H Club ORB features cane be used to provide an interactive club a way to stay updated on your activities. The 4-H Online Record Book is the latest way to keep 4-H on the cutting edge of development