Www.ks1resources.co.uk Which is the odd one out and why? teddy bear monkey tree SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show.


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Presentation transcript:

Which is the odd one out and why? teddy bear monkey tree SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show Sc2: Life processes & living things KS1: things that are living and things that have never been alive Often young children do not think that a plant is alive, so this may spark some interesting debate. KS1 Learning Objective: To understand that living things can be grouped according to observable similarities and differences. Ask the children to sort the objects into two groups, justifying their choice. Discuss as a class the different ways they have grouped the objects. Let them see that trying to sort things into groups can cause problems. Whichever criteria they use, the activity is likely to start making them think about alternative ways of classifying objects (e.g. big or small, rough or smooth). Next focus on grouping them into ‘living’ and ‘have never been alive’. Discuss why certain objects have been put into the living group and what they all have in common.

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