SLIC – Into the Future Strategy and activity Catherine Kearney Assistant Director SLIC.


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Presentation transcript:

SLIC – Into the Future Strategy and activity Catherine Kearney Assistant Director SLIC

SLIC – Who we are  Scottish Library and Information Council  Adviser to Scottish Executive on library and information matters  Membership organisation  Represent interests of all sectors  Cross sectoral management committee

People’s Network FE/HE access to JISC services SE Pathfinder project Schools Library Services  SPARK  NGfL Health Services E-content – joint procurement Organising Information Scottish Cultural Portal Initiatives

 Government Policy Knowledge economy and Enterprise 21st Century Government Social Inclusion National Cultural Strategy Lifelong Learning  SLIC Priorities Co-ordinating of Library Services, especially cross sectoral collaboration Development of ICT Lifelong Learning and Enterprise Scottish Culture and the Arts Equity and Access Policy and Priority

Partnership and collaboration  With peers and colleagues  Scottish Enterprise  SUFI  Digital Scotland  Health  JISC  SHEFC and SFEFC

Innovation and development Interoperability and standards Information Skills- building competencies Health Service  Elibrary Best Value in public library services Further and Higher Education  VLES and Resource sharing  Self-evaluation and quality indicators Co-operative procurement for Scotland  Science Strategy, e-books, People’s Network – e-content, CASS

Partnership and Consensus – the SLIC approach to developing the sectors  Developing strategy to improve services  Pragmatic approach to service delivery  Responsive to local needs within a national framework  Support for the staff in planning development and implementation  Management of change  Quality improvement frameworks over time

SLAINTE – Scottish Libraries across the Internet  Pages of information and services  News and developments  A search engine  Information on CILIPS  Information on SLIC