LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 1 21 st Century Technology in the Classroom A Presentation to the Board of Education Prepared by Facilities and Planning October 26, 2010
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 2 Today’s Students Technology is used today in LUSD to deliver instruction, but not integrated for student use in all subject areas and classrooms. To move from this model, a paradigm shift will need to occur
Tomorrow’s Students Our goal is to improve student achievement through the use of technology Students will have access to learning any time and any place.
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 4 Enhanced Opportunities Through Technology Integration 21 st Century skill outcomes Perceptual relevancy of curriculum More informative student assessments 24/7 access to learning tools and resources Social and emotional connections for students that are driven by educational opportunity
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 5 Sample Technology-Supported Educational Solutions Establish full-time on-line learning communities Provide technology training that is career and life- learning focused Deliver education in a format familiar to the “digital native” generation
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 6 Why Consider Change? Potential to spark student learning Improve achievement Give students more ownership in the learning process Improve home-school connection More student engagement in the educational environment
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 7 Critical Issues to Ponder Curriculum is the driving force Professional development is key to success Infrastructure support is a lifeline for technology use Funding must be clearly outlined for sustainability Create a monitoring/evaluation process that maintains focus
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 8 Examples of Desired Outcomes Student acquisition of technology skills and information literacy Increase student achievement Curriculum is more relevant Increase student engagement More accurate student recordkeeping and assessment Improved communication between home and school
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 9 Key Components of a Successful Implementation Multimedia teacher workstations Instructional mobility Appropriate staffing Alternative training methods Adequate bandwidth maintenance Equipment refreshment plan
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 10 Additional Points to Consider Educational leadership commitment – Board, Administration, Teachers Time for planning and implementation Funding commitment – New technology and existing system upgrades
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 11 Direction is Needed Research and analysis is required that will include many stakeholders – All focused on answering a very basic question: IS THIS THE DIRECTION THAT THE DISTRICT WISHES TO TAKE AT THIS TIME? Board Administration Teachers Parents Students Business Community
LUSD 21st Century Technology PresentationPage 12 Next Steps? Creation of a Board sub-committee to explore options and opportunities Identification of other key players to participate in the process Preparation of a preliminary action timeline - OR - Choose to delay study until a future date