Accident Report Telkom 747
Picture 1 Direction from where vehicle was travelling. Line indicates suspected route
Picture 2 Skid marks started from where arrow indicates. Black line indicates suspected route
Picture 3 Arrow indicates how the vehicle’s position as it skid off the tar road
Picture 4 Take note of the distance towards the tree… and the height of the tree
Picture 5 Double line arrow indicate where Golf Nose dived into ground where it became airborne.
Picture 6 Take note of the distance from where it nose dived into the ground and the tree… take note of the height of the tree as well. Arrow points nose dive that caused vehicle to go airborne.
Picture 7 Impact of nose into ground. Note distance from the tree where vehicle nose dived.
Picture 8 Note on height of tree and the distance from where the nose crashed into the ground and the tree. Just left to the middle of the photo lies the windscreen
Picture 9 A farm’s fence that wasn’t even damaged by the vehicle. Vehicle cleared fence
Picture 10 Looking back at where vehicle travelled from. Just crossed embankment.
Picture 11 Back Pack in tree top. Will give a more clear idea of height of tree later on. Vehicle passed through tree on right hand side of Back Pack.
Picture 12 Jersey found on tree tops as well
Picture 13 Average built man standing next to tree…estimate height of tree ±5 meters. Arrow indicate more or less where vehicle passed through tree.
Picture 14 NTU (Modem) Line cords “growing” on trees. Take note how the vehicle took off the bark of the tree.
Picture 15 Pointing to where vehicle “bounced” on its rear after clearing the tree. (arrow pointing to approx. position of tree). Photo taken from direction of which vehicle travelled.
Picture 16 Casualty. This is casualty Number 1 of 5. We suspect Birds dies of shock. None of these casualties suffered a painful death as it was quick and painless.
Picture 17 A nest…
Picture 18 Once again… notice how the tree’s bark is scraped off.
Picture 19 Another indication of the height of the tree
Picture 20 We know for sure the vehicle has lost its spark
Picture 21 Casualty 2 of 5
Picture 22 Casualty 3 of 5
Picture 23 Casualty 4 of 5
Picture 24 Casualty 5 of 5
Picture 25 Vehicle cleared this Sekelbos as well. Vehicle came to rest approximately where person stand
Picture 26 The height of the Sekelbos. The Sekelbos have no damage what so ever.
Picture 27 Left over of the chevron that probably got stuck on the vehicle as it went airborne
Picture 28 Telkom equipment thrown all over the place.
Picture 29 Directing towards the direction the vehicle travelled from. You can see the tree as well as the Sekelbos. Car came to stand still on its side
Picture 30 Damage caused by the “bounce” between the tree and the Sekelbos.
Picture 31 Other angle of the damage cause after the first airborne segment. Note how the back wheel is in the air.
Picture 32 Damage on the front as it nose dived.
Picture 33 Other angle of front damage
Picture 34 Luckily there was no passengers
Picture 35 Definitely a write off.
Picture 36 Notice the bent chassis. Back wheels are both airborne as vehicle rest on exhaust.
Picture 37 One standard Golf minimized to half it’s size. Approximate speed of impact… 148 Km on GPS (probably about 155—160 km on the Speedometer.