Add Some Spark: Creating Electrical Families Don Bokmiller Clark Nexsen
Form vs. Function “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should!” Geometry is important, but have a plan for ease of use and reusability
Symbols for Light Fixtures Detail component families nested into lighting fixtures can provide necessary functionality for displaying lights as emergency fixtures Vary detail levels for added control
Symbols for Light Fixtures Detail components are also useful for annotation of wall mounted fixtures (where no “Maintain Annotation Orientation”)
Load Data for Fixtures Formulas can be used to provide accurate load data for fixtures where load may vary based on fixture type It starts with parameters that can share a relationship (i.e. Fixture Length, Load per Linear Ft, Load by Length) Formula: Load per Linear Ft * (Fixture Length/1’)
Photmetrics Fixtures with a Light Source can be assigned generic or specific photometric data –Geometric (primarily for rendering) –Photometric (for analysis) Photometric Web File used to associate an.ies file with the fixture
Devices Symbol and geometry relationship Need “freedom” on construction documents
Devices - Visibility Visibility Yes/No parameters are simple, yet powerful Control via schedule
Devices - Visibility Subcategories can also be used in conjunction with Yes/No parameters for further optimization You have this… …but you need this SubcategoriesParameters