Deep Energy Retrofits Building Enclosures—Part 1 Whole House; (Above Grade) Rob Dumont
Case Study Deep Energy Retrofit Double-Wall Double Roof Retrofit Location: Saskatoon, Canada Latitude 52 N Annual Heating Degree Days: Fahrenheit 1968 Bungalow
Post Retrofit
Energy Results Peak Heat Loss reduced from 13.1 kW to 5.5 kW
Step 1. Cut off eaves and wrap roof and walls with poly
Step 2. Add second roof
Step 3. Add exterior wall system
Step 4. Finish details around windows & doors
Insulation of walls & bsmt walls
R40 on Roof ; R40 on Walls; R40 in Bsmt Walls
Post Retrofit—Asphalt Shingles, Stucco Walls
Comparison of Pre and Post Pre-Retrofit Post- Retrofit RatioPost/Pre Attic Insulation R20 RSI 3.5 R63 RSI Wall Insulation (Nominal) R 7 RSI 1.2 R 47 RSI Bsmt Floor Insulation R 0 No change ; Later R20 was added WindowsR2R31.5 Air Tightness 2.95 Pa 0.29 Pa 0.10
Advantages of Deep Exterior Envelope Retrofits 1. Conduction losses greatly reduced 2. Air leakage great reduced 3. Heating system can be greatly simplified. 4. Works best when simultaneous need for upgraded siding and roofingn 5. No interior space loss 6. House can be occupied during work.
Disadvantage Attic upgrades are usually much less expensive than a double roof retrofit, but in some cases the attic is non-existent or inaccessible.