Data Acquisition Interface to Support Seismic Retrofit Kenneth Hanson Cerritos College
Overview- Retrofit Project Long Beach Public Safety Building CSULB Involved in Unique Project Data collection during seismic retrofit Correlate data with construction progress Identify changes in structural characteristics as construction progresses Critical facility-Down Town Long Beach Fire station Police station City jail Emergency response services
Overview- Retrofit Project 6-story, Steel-Frame Undergoing a $30M seismic retrofit Dense Instrumentation Data Collection Before retrofit During retrofit After retrofit
Acceleration Measurements Project: Automate Ambient Vibration Measurements Very important, especially during construction National Instruments NI-4472 PCI data acquisition 24-bits Synchronized timing
Acceleration Measurements K-2 Data Recorders Kinemetrics Inc. Automatic recording when earthquake event happens Threshold-based recording
Structural Health Monitoring Measurements of building structural response Compare model predictions to measured responses Modeling Finite element model Linear Nonlinear Model response to earthquakes Historical earthquake records Pre-retrofit Post-retrofit
Statement of the Problem: Ambient vibration data must be acquired before, during and after the retrofit. Presently stored data is manually taken twice a week at the building location. To perform real time data measurements the output of the existing system does not interface with the National Instruments Data Acquisition (DAQ) system.
Solution to the problem: Design and fabricate an interface that would allow data to be routed around existing hardware to provide real time data acquisition, measurement and display.
Instrumentation Vibration measurements Accelerometers Strain measurements Strain gages Fiber-optic strain sensors Displacement measurements Laser based displacement Acoustic Emission Sensors
Instrumentation: Installation Time Line 2-axis EPI Sensor STRONG MOTION ACCELEROMETERS. Installed pre-retrofit K2 recorder DATA ACQUISITION. Pre- and Post-retrofit installation. SG STRAIN GAGES. Installation during retrofit. AE ACOUSTIC EMISSION SENSORS. Post-retrofit installation. FO SG FIBER-OPTIC STRAIN GAGES. Post-retrofit installation. LFD LASER-BASED FLOOR DISPLACEMENT. Install during retrofit. EPI Sensor STRONG MOTION ACCELEROMETERS. Post-retrofit installation.
2-axis EPI Sensor 6 th Floor 3-axis EPI Sensor 5 th Floor EPI Sensor EPI Sensor 2-axis EPI Sensor 4 th Floor EPI Sensor 2-axis EPI Sensor 3 rd Floor EPI Sensor 3-axis EPI Sensor 2 nd Floor EPI Sensor 2-axis EPI Sensor 1st Floor EPI Sensor K2 recorder PC RS232 Basement Instrument cabinet on 1 st floor SG AE SG FO SG LFD AE
Modified System Diagram
Interface Hardware
Retrofit Project The Long Beach Public Safety Building
Starting from Scratch LBPSB Retrofit Phase
Fig. 1. Three Dimensional Numerical Model of Pre-retrofit Long Beach Public Safety Building LocationsSenso r
Post-Retrofit Measurements New Shear Wall Strain Gages to be Installed
Acceleration Measurements FBA - Accelerometer 3-axis Installed in LBPSB 2 nd Floor
Acceleration Measurements K2 Recorders Instrument cabinet
Acceleration Measurements Computer Cabinet Installed in LBPSB
Acceleration Measurements Typical Acceleration Measurements Time History
Post-Retrofit Activities Remote Capabilities Long Term Role of CSULB