1 Greater Manchester Low Carbon Economic Area That by 2015 Greater Manchester has established itself as a world leading city region in the transformation to a low carbon economy.
2 Greater Manchester Low Carbon Economic Area
3 Work Package 1 – Housing Retrofit Aim is to reduce CO2 emissions from the existing domestic sector by 26% by Understand and scope GM’s housing stock and assess the technical constraints, challenges and opportunities to delivering planned interventions. 2.Deliver basic energy efficiency measures to homes at a majority scale across Greater Manchester – 75% of all remaining homes with under-insulated lofts or un-insulated cavities to be treated by Offer eco-upgrades to 27 % of homes using ‘GM eco-upgrade’ standard and strategy by Deliver energy aware households efficiently managing home energy use. All GM homes to be fitted with Smart Meters and have access to in-depth behavioural change energy advice by Greater Manchester Low Carbon Economic Area
5 Housing Intelligence Currently still pulling data in, however top-line information gives the following (all in social housing tenure): Note – Proportion of Un-insulated Cavities (15%) Solid Wall Un-insulated (7%)
6 Basic Measures Total basic measures installed in Greater Manchester Year Number of measures LCEA target for installed basic measures Trajectory based on current levels of activity
7 Basic Measures Recommendations agreed by AGMA Development of an overarching public facing campaign to promote energy efficiency retrofit in housing across GM. Each AGMA Authority to consider a one-off financial contribution spread over a three year period as outlined in Table 2, in order to attract Energy Company CERT (Carbon Emission Reduction Target) funding.
8 Basic Measures
9 Eco Upgrades Lots of activity Successful ERDF bid for £5m of funding for Social Housing Retrofit Projects Regional Growth Fund Bid for further retrofit schemes submitted, trialing PAYS concepts in social housing. Pioneering work on FiT based financing models with Wigan and Leigh Housing Development of ‘GM Retrofit standard’ Direct dialogue on behalf of GM with government on strategic role of Local Authorities in Green Deal development and delivery.
10 ERDF Projects
11 Behavioural Change Focus for today