Funding Opportunities Accessing $$ for Disaster Resistance
Increased Cost of Disasters ♦1993 Snow Storm, $12 Million ♦1994 Ice Storm, $64 Million ♦2003 Tornadoes/Flooding, $77 Million ♦2008 Tornadoes, $33 Million ♦2010 Tornadoes/Flooding, $600 Million ♦2011 Tornadoes/Flooding, $100 Million
What is Hazard Mitigation? Any action taken to permanently eliminate or significantly reduce the long- term risk to human life and property from hazards and their effects.
Types of Mitigation Measures (Citizens) Secure furniture to the wall or floor Secure furniture to the wall or floor Apply shatterproof film to windows Apply shatterproof film to windows Raise electrical outlets Raise electrical outlets Elevate units such as air/heat and water heaters Elevate units such as air/heat and water heaters Acquire a weather radio Acquire a weather radio Insulate water pipes Insulate water pipes Retrofit closet as storm shelter Retrofit closet as storm shelter
Eligible Activities ♦Acquisition/Demolition (no elevations) ♦Reinforced Corridors or Community Safe Rooms (no individual safe rooms) ♦Flood Control, Retention/Detention Basins, Drainage Improvement ♦Seismic Retrofit ♦Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Flooding – Lincoln County, TN
Tornado – Lake County, TN
Earthquake, Shelby County, TN
Grant Programs Non-Disaster and Disaster Related
Available Mitigation Assistance Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Assists States and local communities in implementing long-term hazard mitigation measures following a major disaster declaration.
HMGP Continued Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Identified Projects in High Risk Areas Identified Projects in High Risk Areas Limited Funds Limited Funds Long Application Process Long Application Process Public Assistance Public Assistance Preventive Measures to Damaged Areas Preventive Measures to Damaged Areas Unlimited Funds Unlimited Funds Inspector Visit Inspector Visit Section 404 Section 406
Who is eligible? Government Entities Government Entities ●Local Governments ●State Agencies Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages Certain private non-profit organizations Certain private non-profit organizations ●Medical (Hospitals & Outpatient Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Long- Term Care) ●Educational (Elementary, Secondary, & State-Owned Institutions of Higher Learning) ●Utilities (Telephone, Power, Sewage Treatment, etc) ●Custodial (Nursing Homes, Congregate Living for Aging and Disabled) ●Emergency (Police, Fire, Ambulance, and Rescue Services) ●Others (Governmental Types of Services open to Public: Museums, Zoos, Libraries, etc)
Project Eligibility Requirements All programs require… All programs require… ●Compliance with State/Local Hazard Mitigation Plan ●Environmentally sound ●Provides a beneficial impact on the disaster area ●Represents a permanent solution to a problem ●Demonstrates cost-effectiveness ●Impacts a community participating in good standing in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) ●Meets all applicable state and local permit requirements and does not contribute or encourage development in the floodplain or other vulnerable areas.
Funding HMGP available funding is 15% of the federal share spent on Individual and Public Assistance during a Presidential Declaration HMGP available funding is 15% of the federal share spent on Individual and Public Assistance during a Presidential Declaration Competitive Statewide Competitive Statewide 7% Planning Funds 7% Planning Funds
Local Cost Share Cash Local Government Revenues Non-Government Community Development Block Grants 3rd Party In-Kind Volunteer Services Donated Supplies and Materials Loaned Equipment or Space In-KindSuppliesMaterialsEquipmentPersonnel 75% Federal 25% Local
Questions Questions not asked are seldom answered… Unknown
Contacts ♦Donna Holden ♦Mary Lynn Gillingham ♦Billy Harper