European Structural and Investment Funds Delivery Conference Friday 17th May 2013 Low Carbon Thematic Objective
Low Carbon Thematic Objective Thematic Objective (TO) 4 Differences with Climate Change (TO5) and Resource Efficiency (TO6) ERDF only & eligible activity National Reform Plan and Commission Position Statement
The Low Carbon Workstream Members BIS, CLG, DWP, Defra, DECC, DfT, HMT EA, Forestry Commission, GIB, TSB Civil Society, Core Cities, LGA Workstream Paper & consultation Guidance to LEPs Sub Committee Terms of Reference/Membership (TO4,5,6?) LC Assessment Criteria
Targets (2020) and where we are now EU targetUK targetCurrent UK level Reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by 20% compared to 1990 levels Reducing GHG emissions by 34% compared to 1990 levels The UK GHG emissions are currently 23% lower than 1990 levels Increasing the share of renewables in final energy consumption to 20% Increasing the share of renewable energy to 15% The UK is currently only producing 3.8% of all energy from renewables Moving towards a 20% increase in energy efficiency Enhancing the energy efficiency of homes, business and transport The UK has 10.6m homes with cavity wall insulation and 12.9m homes with loft insulation (of 125mm) out of 25m homes
Government Policies TARGETKEY GOVERNMENT POLICIES Green House Gas (GHG) emissions Climate Change Act 2008 UK Carbon Plan Carbon Price Floor Heat Strategy Forestry Policy Statement Greenhouse Gas Action Plan for Agriculture Renewable Energy Renewables obligation and feed-in tariff for electricity Renewable Heat Incentive Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation Electricity Market Reform (EMR) via the Energy Bill Gas Generation Strategy Energy Efficiency Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy UK Green Investment Bank Green Deal The Energy Efficiency Strategy Climate Change Levy & Climate Change Agreements CRC energy efficiency Scheme Plan for Growth
Priorities - LCEGS Sector - with a focus on domestic retrofit Non domestic low carbon technologies and energy efficiency “Whole place” low carbon solutions - incl heat/cool networks, design, transport, decentralised energy systems, demand mng R&D - development, innovation, adoption, deployment, cost reduction of LC technologies and supply chains/ infrastructure Based on Govt Policy, expect GHG and renewable energy targets to be met
ACTIVITYMATCH LGEGS Sector Domestic Retrofit LGECS sector supply chain growth Low Carbon materials, goods, services CCS, Energy Storage, Energy from Waste RGF, LA, Vol Sector Green Deal, Feed in Tariffs etc Private incl EIB/FIs/Pensions Adv Manuf Supply Chain Initiative Non Domestic Energy Efficiency Low Carbon Fuels Waste Prevention Building Retrofit GIB LA, Vol Sector Private incl EIB Whole Place Whole Place eg SMART cities Decentralised Energy Systems Resilient Energy Infra. + Green/Blue/IT Infra. Low Carbon Modal Shift GIB RGF, LA, Vol Sector Private incl EIB Local Sustainable Transport Fund R&D Low Carbon Technologies Technology Centres of Excellence Renewable Energy Roadmap Technologies Low Carbon Vehicles/Fuels TSB programmes Research Councils Universities DECC – LC Innovation Fund, CCS Comm, Offshore Wind Development LA, Vol Sector, Private
Outputs and Results Outputs Enterprises – number supported; private investment; employment increase R&D – enterprises co-operating with research institutions; private investment; new to market or new to firm products Energy/Climate Change – additional renewable energy capacity; households with improved energy consumption; reduced energy consumption of public buildings; users connected to smart grids; GHG reduction Results An increase in the size of the LCEGS sector An increase in the energy efficiency of companies/ buildings/ transport An increase in number of areas with “whole place” low carbon plans An increase in companies adopting green practices A reduction in GHG emissions An increase in the share of energy from renewables A reduction in final energy demand