European Structural and Investment Funds Delivery Conference Friday 17th May 2013 Low Carbon Thematic Objective.


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Presentation transcript:

European Structural and Investment Funds Delivery Conference Friday 17th May 2013 Low Carbon Thematic Objective

Low Carbon Thematic Objective  Thematic Objective (TO) 4  Differences with Climate Change (TO5) and Resource Efficiency (TO6)  ERDF only & eligible activity  National Reform Plan and Commission Position Statement

The Low Carbon Workstream  Members  BIS, CLG, DWP, Defra, DECC, DfT, HMT  EA, Forestry Commission, GIB, TSB  Civil Society, Core Cities, LGA  Workstream Paper & consultation  Guidance to LEPs  Sub Committee Terms of Reference/Membership (TO4,5,6?)  LC Assessment Criteria

Targets (2020) and where we are now EU targetUK targetCurrent UK level  Reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by 20% compared to 1990 levels  Reducing GHG emissions by 34% compared to 1990 levels  The UK GHG emissions are currently 23% lower than 1990 levels  Increasing the share of renewables in final energy consumption to 20%  Increasing the share of renewable energy to 15%  The UK is currently only producing 3.8% of all energy from renewables  Moving towards a 20% increase in energy efficiency  Enhancing the energy efficiency of homes, business and transport  The UK has 10.6m homes with cavity wall insulation and 12.9m homes with loft insulation (of 125mm) out of 25m homes

Government Policies TARGETKEY GOVERNMENT POLICIES  Green House Gas (GHG) emissions  Climate Change Act 2008  UK Carbon Plan  Carbon Price Floor  Heat Strategy  Forestry Policy Statement  Greenhouse Gas Action Plan for Agriculture  Renewable Energy  Renewables obligation and feed-in tariff for electricity  Renewable Heat Incentive  Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation  Electricity Market Reform (EMR) via the Energy Bill  Gas Generation Strategy  Energy Efficiency  Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy  UK Green Investment Bank  Green Deal  The Energy Efficiency Strategy  Climate Change Levy & Climate Change Agreements  CRC energy efficiency Scheme  Plan for Growth

Priorities -  LCEGS Sector - with a focus on domestic retrofit  Non domestic low carbon technologies and energy efficiency  “Whole place” low carbon solutions - incl heat/cool networks, design, transport, decentralised energy systems, demand mng  R&D - development, innovation, adoption, deployment, cost reduction of LC technologies and supply chains/ infrastructure Based on Govt Policy, expect GHG and renewable energy targets to be met

ACTIVITYMATCH LGEGS Sector  Domestic Retrofit  LGECS sector supply chain growth  Low Carbon materials, goods, services  CCS, Energy Storage, Energy from Waste  RGF, LA, Vol Sector  Green Deal, Feed in Tariffs etc  Private incl EIB/FIs/Pensions  Adv Manuf Supply Chain Initiative Non Domestic  Energy Efficiency  Low Carbon Fuels  Waste Prevention  Building Retrofit  GIB  LA, Vol Sector  Private incl EIB Whole Place  Whole Place eg SMART cities  Decentralised Energy Systems  Resilient Energy Infra. + Green/Blue/IT Infra.  Low Carbon Modal Shift  GIB  RGF, LA, Vol Sector  Private incl EIB  Local Sustainable Transport Fund R&D  Low Carbon Technologies  Technology Centres of Excellence  Renewable Energy Roadmap Technologies  Low Carbon Vehicles/Fuels  TSB programmes  Research Councils  Universities  DECC – LC Innovation Fund, CCS Comm, Offshore Wind Development  LA, Vol Sector, Private

Outputs and Results Outputs  Enterprises – number supported; private investment; employment increase  R&D – enterprises co-operating with research institutions; private investment; new to market or new to firm products  Energy/Climate Change – additional renewable energy capacity; households with improved energy consumption; reduced energy consumption of public buildings; users connected to smart grids; GHG reduction Results  An increase in the size of the LCEGS sector  An increase in the energy efficiency of companies/ buildings/ transport  An increase in number of areas with “whole place” low carbon plans  An increase in companies adopting green practices  A reduction in GHG emissions  An increase in the share of energy from renewables  A reduction in final energy demand