kW Energy Solutions, LLC Increasing Energy Efficiency Increasing Energy Effectiveness
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Businesses are doing everything they can to be more energy efficient, but how energy effective is your business? Businesses can improve their bottom line by increasing their power factor, reactive power, and power quality. Our goal is to help you understand these measures of energy effectiveness and improve your profitability by reducing costs in areas such as: Power Factor Charges kVA, kWh, and kWd Charges Nuisance Shut-Downs Equipment Maintenance Costs Motor Replacement Costs
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC There are many causes of poor energy effectiveness some of which include: Low Electrical Service Utilization Brown Outs Caused By Seasonal High Energy Use Voltage Surges and Spikes from the Utility Service Voltage Flickering Produced By Equipment Start-Up Harmonic Distortion from Computers, VFD’s, etc. kW Energy Solutions can help you increase your facility’s energy efficiency and energy effectiveness.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC kW Energy Solutions, LLC is an Energy Solutions Company with Extensive Experience and Knowledge regarding Energy Efficient and Energy Effective Solutions for Commercial, Industrial, and Manufacturing Facilities. Our Management Team has Over 50 Years of Experience in Identifying Energy Savings Opportunities, Lowering Operating Expenses and Resolving Power Quality Issues in All Types of Facilities. KWES Uses Only Proven State-Of-The-Art Technologies to Properly Test and Analyze Your Facilities Electrical Network and Provide You With Power Quality Solutions That Will Optimize Your Energy Efficiency and Energy Effectiveness.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC The key to our success is our state-of-the-art Power Quality Analyzer. This analyzer enables us to accurately determine the best energy efficient and energy effective solutions based on testing the actual live-load real-time dynamics of your facilities electrical distribution system. Plant engineers can observe the actual readings (during the testing) on the Power Quality Analyzer to provide them with the real-time data to make an informed decision. Our goal is to reduce energy consumption, operating expenses, extend the life of motors and provide businesses with optimal power quality and optimal reactive power.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Over 50 Years of Energy Management Experience Experienced Facilities & IT Managers Experienced Industrial Electricians Experts in Power Factor Correction and Motor Controls
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Patented Testing Equipment & Process Tests Equipment Under Load Determines Reactive Power Produced Locally Determines Power Factor Correction Required Analyzes Harmonics and Power Quality Issues Customized Solutions Built to Your Requirements Site Specific Energy Savings Determined Prior to Purchase and Installation
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC kW Energy Equipment and Solutions Immediate Energy Savings Maximize Power Factor Reduce Peak Start-Up Demand Limit In-Rush Duration Produce Reactive Power (VAR) Locally Provide Harmonic Filtration Protect Against Surges and Spikes Lower Maintenance Expenses Extend the Life of Motors Voltage Support Most Products Made in the USA
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Increase Energy Efficiency Increase Power Factor Increase Power Quality Produce Reactive Power (VAR) Locally Reduce Operating Costs Lower Maintenance Expenses
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Real –Time Industrial Power Quality Enhancement Systems Real-Time micro-processor controlled power quality enhancement systems provide instantaneous reactive power and power factor correction for the entire electrical distribution system of your facility. Ideal for mid to large size industrial and commercial facilities where near perfect power factor control, network stabilization, and energy savings is of utmost importance.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Real –Time Industrial Power Quality Enhancement Systems Transient-Free Switching In-Rush Mitigation Tuned Harmonic Filtration Power Quality Analysis Real-Time Electronic System Data Monitoring
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Permanent Magnetic Couplers and Adjustable Speed Drives Disconnected magnetic motor couplings provide a “cushioned” start of motors with loads significantly reducing peak electricity start-up demand and substantially lowering in-rush duration. Ideal for mid to large size industrial manufacturing, waste water treatment plants, industrial and commercial pumps, and HVAC systems.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Permanent Magnetic Couplers and Adjustable Speed Drives Reduces Demand Power Reduces In-Rush Reduces Energy Consumption of at Least 9% - 14% kWh Reduces Vibration and Misalignment Problems Eliminates Torque Seizure Lowers Maintenance Expenses Extends the Life of Motors
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Industrial Power Quality Enhancement Systems Power quality enhancement systems reduce energy consumption while improving the effectiveness of the entire electrical distribution system of your facility. Ideal for small to medium size industrial and commercial facility MCC’s and sub-panels.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Industrial Power Quality Enhancement Systems Utilizes Power Conditioning Technology Lowers Total kVA, kWh and kWd Power Power Factor Correction Protects Against Surges and Spikes Reduces Harmonics
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Power Factor Correction Equipment Fixed power factor correction equipment provides reactive power and power factor correction to your facility or individual load. Ideal for small to medium size industrial and commercial facilities and inductive loads.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions Power Factor Correction Equipment Produces Reactive Power Locally Reduces kWh Demand Power Corrects Power Factor Lowers Maintenance Expenses Extends the Life of Your Motors
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions LED Retrofit Lighting - Indoor/Outdoor Lighting Compact retrofit lighting reduces energy consumption of lighting by up to 70% and adapts to almost any existing standard or customized fixture. Ideal for any industrial and commercial facilities that wants to keep their existing fixtures and enjoy the advantages of LED lighting.
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Equipment & Solutions LED Retrofit Lighting - Indoor/Outdoor Lighting Reduces energy consumption of lighting by up to 70% Custom designed to fit almost any existing fixture Installs in approximately 7 minutes Long lasting design of boards and drivers Life expectancy of over 5 years
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Next Steps Facility Survey Power Quality Analysis Test equipment Under Load to Determine Actual Cost Savings Before Installation Present Findings Submit Quotation
Reducing Your Electrical Overhead kW Energy Solutions, LLC Experts in Power Factor Correction and Motor Controls