Aalto PRO Aalto University Continuing Education Värikoodi tähän päälle Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF 9.10.2013 ENEF project: objectives, partners, milestones.


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Presentation transcript:

Aalto PRO Aalto University Continuing Education Värikoodi tähän päälle Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF ENEF project: objectives, partners, milestones ENEF Conference Tallinn, Estonia

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference Central Baltic Cooperation in Energy Efficiency and Feasibility in Urban Planning - ENEF  Cooperation in FOUR countries (Estonia, Finland, Sweden & Latvia)  Energy efficiency in RETROFITTING  Feasibility: POSSIBLE/REASONABLE to implement  Urban planning – not to forget the urban dimension –Housing areas, commercial areas, mixed areas –Individual buildings in urban context –Urban renewal, renovation and upgrading of residential neighbourhoods

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference ENEF project The ENEF project focuses on two main aspects:  How to renovate old buildings by making them more energy efficient based on selected case studies  What are the criteria, calculations and methods to be taken into account in planning and designing new buildings (based on selected case studies)  The project is divided into work packages (WP1 – WP5).  The work is carried out according to ”milestones” (4-month periods), from to

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference  The ENEF project is funded by the Interreg IV A Program.  ENEF aims at identifying and disseminating the best solutions and strategies for an energy efficient and feasible urban planning and building renovation, especially in housing, in the Central Baltic region.  The project partners are four universities in four different countries (EE, FIN, LV, SWE).  The projects has 5 different work packages: coordination and reporting, dissemination and creation of networks, handbook with best-practice examples simulation and calculation tools exhibition of student projects on passive cooling solutions (in connection with final conference). Pictures: Pekka Tuomaala, VTT (2012)

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference ENEF project partners  Aalto University, Finland (Aalto PRO, ENG, YTK)  Tallinn University of Technology (TTU)  Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (KTH)  Riga Technical University, Latvia (RTU) The project offers a platform for professionals in building and urban planning, where they can exchange experiences and ideas on energy efficient, healthy and sustainable solutions for large-scale building renovation learn from other countries through good examples develop better ways of cooperation in the field of building renovation contribute to implement energy efficient urban planning measures

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference Buildings as energy producers European Technology Platform Smartgrid 2006  Replicability  Feasibility  Use of building roofs as energy producing platforms  Optimal use of building plot  Sharing resources  Evaluation of environmental impact and life-cycle assessment (LCC, LCA)  Use of renewables (when possible)

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference  Deliver information on successful energy efficiency measures implemented in the partner countries, in line with ENEF’s objectives.  Identify the possibilities of encouraging the building control departments of the partner countries to enforce energy efficient and feasible building refurbishment.  Show the best-practice examples in a comprehensive way Site plan, average age of buildings in the area, building rights (e-factor) Information on the energy supply networks in the area (district heating, gas, etc.)  Find what kind of open-source calculation/simulation tools are available in the partner countries, and what kind of expertise they require.  Describe the tools identified and their applications. The project partners are expected to:

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference WP2 The objective of this work package is to create an active and sustainable co-operation network (between universities, architects, urban planners, building companies and public and private real-estate owners) in the field of energy efficiency and feasibility in building and urban planning. The project focuses on case studies of: Publicly used buildings (schools, kindergartens, libraries) Residential apartment buildings / housing estates built in

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference WP3 – strategic focus  Improved know-how and knowledge in planning buildings with higher and more balanced energy efficiency (including calculated and economically feasible and realistic use of renewable energies, mainly water and sun)  Raising awareness in the issues of energy efficiency of public buildings (public offices and educational buildings)  Supporting innovation transfer into practice (universities  architects, city planners, owners of the public buildings, etc.)  Identification of relevant key-numbers and figures based on comparative analysis of pilot cases and energy audits – what are the figures and outputs that impact most energy efficiency (including utilisation period of the building)

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference WP4  The objective of the WP4 is the promotion and awareness raising of better use and application of existing computer-based simulation systems for higher energy efficiency in buildings.  The strategic focus of the WP4 is to extend the use of different simulation systems for calculating energy efficiency on practical level (urban planners, architects, building companies and real-estate owners).  Through comparative analysis of current situation in 4 regions (simulation systems used, main problems and obstacles, etc.) the project team identifies the best solutions for each region, and a common methodology / way of work on how to promote their wider use among network partners.

Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference WP5 Organisation of the international exhibition of the models of energy efficient public buildings:  Involving STUDENTS, RESEARCHERS, ARCHITECTS/COMPANIES and CITY PLANNERS from 4 regions through team building, preparation of the models, calculating and using simulations and laboratories  Presenting each project at the international “Exhibition of models of energy efficient public buildings” in the autumn of 2013 in Tallinn Planned results of WP5: Several teams (of students) participating from each partner country Conference and exhibition (here we are!)

Aalto PRO Aalto University Continuing Education Värikoodi tähän päälle Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel tel , Ana Rodriguez-Gabriel, ENEF Conference