2013 Green Fee Allocation Brooke Mills, SGA Director of Governmental Affairs Robin Zimmern, Assistant Dean of Students Student Government
The UWF Green Fee The Green Fee is a student led initiative with the mission of funding sustainable projects at the University of West Florida. After a student referendum, approval by our Board of Trustees, and the Florida Board of Governors. The $0.75 per credit hour fee was implemented for the academic year. Estimated allocation for $190,000
Proposal and Selection Process Call for proposals sent to faculty, staff and students Jan 25th-Feb 25 th Proposals reviewed by SGA and Student Environmental Action Society (SEAS) Ad-hoc Committee Facilities representative reviewed feasibility and cost efficiency Facilities created project proposal forms and will coordinate construction/installation Implementation of selected Green Fee proposals All funds were not allocated since prices are based on estimates. In addition, funds will be needed for installation and maintenance.
Applications Received 16 Applications received Water Filling Stations Improving Campus Gardens LED Lighting Increased Recycling Efforts Paper Free Advertising EV Charging Station Yellow Bikes Sustainability Education Eco-Tourism Initiatives
Selected Proposal Sample Water Bottle/Filter Stations in Bld.22, Bld.54, Bld.72, and Bld.73 at approx. $8,980.00
Selected Proposal Sample Bld. 72 LED Lighting Retrofit at approx. $130,572.00
Selected Proposal Samples EV Electric Car Charging Station at Bld.80 at approx. $6,000.00