Photo Catalytic Oxidation Passive Oxidative Technology
Acknowledges that HVAC systems play a role in the dissemination of diseases in buildings Key points: Infectious diseases can be transmitted via an airborne path Designers have a responsibility to minimize that potential Dilution ventilation Building pressure control Filtration Oxidative technologies, UVGI, PCO ASHRAE Position Paper, June,
Passive Oxidation
What is the Product? How does the panel work? Testing Product Features Design Considerations Why they buy Applications
What is the product? Photo Catalytic Oxidation Panel (produces oxidizing agent) First Glance: Filter with a light in it?
Not a Filter / Is a PCO Panel Think it is a filter; we have plenty It is a panel and we have nothing like this Filter = Commodity Panel = Technology Filter = Everyone sells Panel = Let us consider, More information needed
How does the panel work? Have you ever used hydrogen peroxide on a cut? Did it bubble and boil up? What was it doing? Destroying infection causing virus, bacteria and spores. Our panels create OH. We are trying to replicate the natural process the troposphere uses to clean the air we breathe. “Detergent of the atmosphere” Katja Riedel and Keith Lassey explain how OH, the hydroxyl radical, works to cleanse the atmosphere of harmful trace gases. “Introducing OH, the hydroxyl radical Although it makes up about a fifth of our atmosphere, oxygen (O 2 ) is not the main oxidant. Other molecules that are produced naturally in the atmosphere, including ozone (O 3 ), the nitrate radical (NO 3 ), and the hydroxyl radical (OH), are much more reactive, even if their atmospheric concentrations are low. Radicals are highly reactive because they have unpaired electrons which tend to transfer to other molecules. The OH radical is the most important oxidant in the troposphere, the lowest part of the atmosphere (below about 10 km). Nobel Prize winner Paul Crutzen coined the phrase “detergent of the atmosphere” to describe this important cleansing role of OH. Most of the trace gases found in the troposphere are oxidised by OH into water- soluble products that are washed out by rain and snow. Specifically, OH is responsible for oxidising carbon monoxide (CO) and other carbon-based molecules, such as methane (CH 4 ).” Water & Atmosphere 16(1) Caution: Two Types – Active (No people) Passive (Safe for Occupied Spaces)
Photocatalysis Process Redox reaction: A reaction in which electrons are transferred from a donor (the reducing agent) to an acceptor molecule (the oxidizing agent) 8
Testing / Does it Work? Extensive 3rd Party and Field Testing Sample results from 3rd party testing. (With no pre-filter) PCO shows a single pass reduction in microbial contaminants.
Expected Results: Lower levels of VOC’s and Bio-aerosols in the conditioned space. 10
Residential Unit Single Panel San Francisco Airport Scalable / Easy Retrofit Product Features: Array of Panels Side or Front Load
AHU’s: Location – In Air Stream Preferred down stream of coil Advantages - Low pressure drop Easy to Service (12,000hr lamp) Requires little space (6” panel) Low energy (Cost of ODA) Sustainable (15 year panel) One Device – Three Solutions Cleans Coil Reduces VOCs Destroys Bio aerosols
Design Goal (Global / At the Source) Destroys in the airstream with-in the panel (Residence time) Panels installed across airstream in a rack (Location) Collection & Type of Contaminates (Source & Concentration) Design Considerations:
Hospitals: Odors……. Heliports & Generators Surface Recharge Integrity of Design The O.R. no one will use State of the Art Schools: Average Daily Attendance Resistant Strains (T.B.) E.P.A. “Tools for Schools” Lost teaching days Complaints Airports: Odors Airborne pandemic Casinos: Smoke Money Rooms Employee health (Liability Issues) Animal Care: Kennel Cough Odors Airborne Viral Why they buy:
Applications Factory Mounted Retrofit RTU’s Induct Standalone Portable
Factory mounted AHU (Trane PCC / Custom) Trane Performance Climate Changer
AHU Retrofit:
Curb Mounted RTU / Thybar
Panel In Curb Supply
Standalone: Inlet Ducted Attached to Filter grilles Supply Out
23 Hospital St. Luke’s Vintage Houston TX 1. Source Location a. Close proximity to freeway b. Non attainment area c. Automotive and Diesel exhaust migrating into fresh air vents. d. Ongoing construction 2. Type of Problem a. Ultra fine particles from outdoor pollution ODA - TVOC load. b. Biologic reduction ( Risk reduction HAI ) 3. Personnel Location & Challenges a. Limited access behind air handles b. Factory Trane Install for new hospital c. Four story facility 250,000 sq ft. 4. Equipment sizing and location a. 8-Trane Air handlers b Standard PCP Systems c. 48-PCP Standard Catalyst Panels d. 112 Assorted UVGI lamps e. Spec Merv 13 pre filters in non critical areas and HEPA Filtration in Critical Areas
24 Hospital John Muir Medical Center Concord CA 1. Source Location a. Close proximity to freeway b. Non attainment area c. Close proximity to Helicopter Landing Pad d. Ongoing construction 2. Type of Problem a. Ultra fine particles from outdoor pollution and high outdoor TVOC load. b. Stage 1 for helicopter odors c. Stage 2 Critical areas bio aerosol reduction 3. Personnel Location & Challenges a. Limited access behind air handles b. Dedicated fresh air unit for c. Five story 168 bed facility d. Field Retro 4. Equipment sizing and location a. One custom dedicated fresh air unit b. Stage 2, three AHUS
25 Hospital Terrebonne General Medical Houma LA 1. Source Location a. High environmental fungal levels b. Physical Training Weight Room c. Limited Ventilation d. High people traffic 2. Type of Problem a. Odors from physical training b. Biologic reduction (Risk Reduction HAI ) 3. Personnel Location & Challenges a. Rooftop mechanical room isolated b. Field retrofit c. Four story facility 400,000 sq ft. 4. Equipment sizing and location a. 1-Trane Air handlers b Standard PCP Systems c. 2-PCP Standard Catalyst Panels d. 8 Assorted UVGI lamps e. Spec MERV 13 pre filters in non critical areas
26 Airports San Francisco Airport T 2 Terminal 1. Source Location a. Jet Exhaust and Jet Fuel from runways & gates b. Large volume of people c. High levels of outdoor air required by code 2. Type of Problem a. High levels of outdoor CO & TVOCs 3. Personnel Location & Challenges a. Humid environment / cost of maintenance using capture systems b. Ineffective (off gassing) c. Cost prohibitive 18 month replacement cycle 4. Equipment sizing and location a. 9 Custom AHUs totaling 539,000 cfm b. 474 Catalyst Panels 576 UVGI Lamps c. Equipment installed in the mixing box before the coils because of existing humidity levels and AHU manufacture specs. Pictures Courtesy of Genesis Air, Inc.
27 Labs Medical Examiners Office & Labs 1. Source Location a. Decomposition bodies in various locations b. The issue - cadavers are moved through out building 2. Type of Problem a. Odors & bio-hazards b. The exhaust system was contaminating an area of several blocks around the facility. 3. Personnel Location & Challenges a. Units had to be near the source b. 12 inch wide returns 4. Equipment sizing and location a. 2 custom 2006 DTs and 4 portable 2006 GS b. The GS units are moved to populates areas. c. The DT units are in the returns near the source of the contamination. Pictures Courtesy of Genesis Air, Inc.
28 Casino & Bingo Mohawk Bingo Palace and Casino 1. Source Location a. Environmental Tobacco Smoke 2. Type of Problem a. 30 foot open dome building b bingo seats c. HVAC returns are in central location and out of smoke layer. d. Ash tray every 4 feet with 3 to 5 burning 3. Personnel Location & Challenges a. Placement of inlets in smoke layer b. 12 inch wide returns c. Incorporated with EMS system 4. Equipment sizing and location a GS Units B3s & DTs b. GS units mounted 13 foot level in the smoke layer. c. odor control / AHU return grill mounted Pictures Courtesy of Genesis Air, Inc.
29 Schools Bellevue Elementary 1. Source Location a. New Construction Late 2009 b. Outdoor Mold and Pollen c. Long Winters 2. Type of Problem a. Under ventilation in winter months b. 80% carpet facility c. Permanent animals in some classrooms 3. Personnel Location & Challenges a. Long Winters less ventilation b. Crowded Classrooms c. Chemicals brought from home by staff to spray or burn in classrooms 4. Equipment sizing and location a. 5 Trane M Series Air Handlers b. Genesis Air units field installed in AHUs during construction c. odor control & biologic control d. Case study available Pictures Courtesy of Genesis Air, Inc.
Prisons Ramsey County Prison St Paul, MN 30
Helping Hands for Humanity Animal Shelter Topeka, KA Pictures Courtesy of Genesis Air, Inc. 31
Pictures Courtesy of Genesis Air, Inc. Laughlin AFB Fuel Maintenance Hanger & PT Building Fort Sam Houston Corp of Engineers Regional Offices & Dorm 1001 FLETC PT Building & Command Building Goodfellow AFB School Age Facility & Pipeline Dormitory Federal 32