Cedarville University is a Christ-centered learning community equipping students for lifelong leadership and service through an education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth Cedarville University is a Christ-centered learning community equipping students for lifelong leadership and service through an education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth
Proverbs 16 1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD 1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue. 2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. 2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. 3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. 3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16 1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD 1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue. 2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. 2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. 3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. 3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
GOAL#1: Build a nationally prominent program array, driven by the University’s mission and conservative evangelical distinctiveness, which prepares Christian leaders to engage and influence their world. GOAL#1: Build a nationally prominent program array, driven by the University’s mission and conservative evangelical distinctiveness, which prepares Christian leaders to engage and influence their world.
GOAL #2: Pursue a leadership role in the Christian higher education community by modeling the communication, understanding, and utilization of biblical integration across the curriculum. GOAL #2: Pursue a leadership role in the Christian higher education community by modeling the communication, understanding, and utilization of biblical integration across the curriculum.
GOAL #3: Advance the importance of the liberal arts and improve the quality of the general education core in the context of a comprehensive University. GOAL #3: Advance the importance of the liberal arts and improve the quality of the general education core in the context of a comprehensive University.
GOAL #4: Improve teaching and learning. GOAL #4: Improve teaching and learning.
GOAL #5: Increase student success and retention. GOAL #5: Increase student success and retention.
GOAL #1: Develop and implement a positioning strategy to raise the University’s stature and prominence within the national, conservative, evangelical community. GOAL #1: Develop and implement a positioning strategy to raise the University’s stature and prominence within the national, conservative, evangelical community.
GOAL #2: Refine recruitment, retention, pricing, and financial aid strategies to optimize enrollment. GOAL #2: Refine recruitment, retention, pricing, and financial aid strategies to optimize enrollment.
Fall ’07 Fall ’08 New Freshmen Transfers Total910935
GOAL #3: Conduct research and develop marketing strategies for new and existing academic degree programs that strengthen and expand the mission of the University. GOAL #3: Conduct research and develop marketing strategies for new and existing academic degree programs that strengthen and expand the mission of the University.
GOAL #4: Equip the Cedarville family to serve as effective ambassadors for the University. GOAL #4: Equip the Cedarville family to serve as effective ambassadors for the University.
GOAL #1: Ensure that every on-campus student has a positive residence life experience characterized by good facilities and an environment that promotes spiritual development and academic success. GOAL #1: Ensure that every on-campus student has a positive residence life experience characterized by good facilities and an environment that promotes spiritual development and academic success.
GOAL #2: Work with the Academic Division to facilitate an active and enriching educational experience for our students resulting in higher student retention and success. GOAL #2: Work with the Academic Division to facilitate an active and enriching educational experience for our students resulting in higher student retention and success.
GOAL #3: Maintain a culture known for its intentional focus on spiritual growth. GOAL #3: Maintain a culture known for its intentional focus on spiritual growth.
GOAL #4: Improve our service to important subgroups such as married students, non-traditional students, students of color, and students with special needs. GOAL #4: Improve our service to important subgroups such as married students, non-traditional students, students of color, and students with special needs.
GOAL #1: Chapel will remain a vibrant, meaningful, popular experience for the University family. GOAL #1: Chapel will remain a vibrant, meaningful, popular experience for the University family.
GOAL #2: Organized prayer groups will be maintained and further developed as necessary. An organized mentorship program will be put in place maintained, marketed, and advanced as appropriate. GOAL #2: Organized prayer groups will be maintained and further developed as necessary. An organized mentorship program will be put in place maintained, marketed, and advanced as appropriate.
GOAL #3: Keep OneVoice going and growing in numbers of participants as well as ministry opportunities. GOAL #3: Keep OneVoice going and growing in numbers of participants as well as ministry opportunities.
GOAL #4: To take MIS team and leadership recruitment and training to a new and necessary level. GOAL #4: To take MIS team and leadership recruitment and training to a new and necessary level.
*Raise $500,000 annually for need-based scholarships and $3-4 million annually for capital projects. *Raise $500,000 annually for need-based scholarships and $3-4 million annually for capital projects. *Raise $950,000 in annual giving. *Raise $120,000 in athletic advancement revenues. *Raise $120,000 in athletic advancement revenues. *Raise $50,000-$100,000 annually for academic research center operations. *Raise $50,000-$100,000 annually for academic research center operations. *Increase CDR gross revenues to $750,000.
*Increase scholarship distributions to students by 20% annually. *Increase scholarship distributions to students by 20% annually. *Attract new donors to CU by inviting them to appropriate events. *Attract new donors to CU by inviting them to appropriate events. *Increase alumni involvement *Increase the awareness of CU in areas of significant academic influence by supporting the sponsoring of academic events, *Increase the awareness of CU in areas of significant academic influence by supporting the sponsoring of academic events,
GOAL #1: Financial resources will continue to be prudently managed using conservative financial principles in an ethically-based environment. GOAL #1: Financial resources will continue to be prudently managed using conservative financial principles in an ethically-based environment.
GOAL #2: The University’s financial condition will be clearly communicated. GOAL #2: The University’s financial condition will be clearly communicated.
GOAL #3: The campus will be maintained in a safe and orderly manner by minimizing occupational, fire-safety, security, and environmental risks. GOAL #3: The campus will be maintained in a safe and orderly manner by minimizing occupational, fire-safety, security, and environmental risks.
GOAL #4: A competitive compensation plan will be maintained for salary and benefits. GOAL #4: A competitive compensation plan will be maintained for salary and benefits.
GOAL #5: Facilities, required to adequately deliver the various academic programs, will continue to be provided through the design and construction of new buildings or the retrofit of existing buildings. GOAL #5: Facilities, required to adequately deliver the various academic programs, will continue to be provided through the design and construction of new buildings or the retrofit of existing buildings.
The parity between newer and older dormitories will be improved. The parity between newer and older dormitories will be improved. Deferred maintenance will be kept to a minimum. Deferred maintenance will be kept to a minimum.