104 Phase 1 Model Features: u Imported background u Scale the drawing u Multiple resources u Multiple Routes u Entity Name and Graphic Change u Service times
105 Multiple Routes u One Route with multiple destinations.
106 One route, multiple destinations
111 Phase 2 Model Features: u Attributes u Resource & Location Downtimes u Mathematical & User Distributions u New Operation Statements u Logs
112 Attributes u Assigned to Locations or Entities. u Not global. u Assigned to all entities or locations. Initial value always zero. u May be Real or Integer u Used for identifying entity differences, conditional routing, LOG reporting,...
113 Attribute edit table
114 Location Downtimes u Four Types; Clock, Entry, Usage, Setup u Usage Records the total cumulative time the location is in operation Upon reaching the defined cumulative time, location goes down Downtime logic defines length of downtime and any action necessary
115 Location usage downtime
116 Resource Downtimes u Clock or Usage u Logic Field is the length of the downtime u May be Scheduled or Unscheduled u Preemptable
117 Resource clock downtime
User defined Distribution tables may be created under the Build - More Elements menu. 2. Used to define user created distributions. 3. Sampled from by calling TABLE_NAME() in a logic field. This will assign the sampled value to an attribute or variable. aType_of_Call = dCall_Dist() User Distributions
120 Click on “Table” to open definition window Click on “Table” to open definition window
121 Operation Statements u Assignment ( i.e. = ) Not really a statement, just setting one item equal to another Syntax:vProcess_Time = N(3.2,.47) u DISPLAY Pauses the simulation and displays a user created message Syntax:DISPLAY
122 Operation Statements u CLOCK() Returns the value of the system simulation clock. Used for a test or to store the value. Syntax:aStart_Time = CLOCK() u ROUTE # Defines which of the numbered routings you are referring to in a logic statement Syntax:If aPart_Type=1 then ROUTE 6
123 IF Attr1 <= 10 THEN BEGIN WAIT N(25,5, 3) Attr1=11 ROUTE 1 END ELSE ROUTE 2 If-Then-Else, Begin-End, Route BEGIN may be symbolized with a Left Bracket --- { END may be symbolized with a Right Bracket --- }
124 Operation Statements u LOG Subtracts the time stored in an attribute from the current system clock time and stores the value for later reporting Syntax:LOG “Process Report”, aStart
129 Phase 3 Model Features: u Variables u Routing Rules u New Operation Statements u Special Location Icons u New Resource u New Path Network
130 Global Variables u Carry a numeric value u Used for decision making or recording values u May be INCremented, DECremented or assigned values u As a global variable it may only have one value at a time u Initial value is changeable u May be displayed on the screen
131 Variable edit table Variables displayed on the layout Variables displayed on the layout
132 Routing Rules u UNTIL FULL Fills the first destination listed until it is capacitated, then the next one, etc. Syntax:FULL u PROBABILITY Randomly selects a destination listed in a block of routings based on a probability Syntax:.43.57
133 Operation Statements u INC Increments or adds a value to a variable, attribute or array cell Syntax:INC vCounter, u DEC Decrements or subtracts a value from a variable, attribute or array cell Syntax:DEC vCounter,
134 Operation Statements u GROUP Consolidates and accumulates a specified number of entities into a single entity that has a new name. The new entity is named as the output entity. Syntax:GROUP
135 Operation Statements u UNGROUP Separates entities that were GROUPed using the GROUP statement. After UNGROUPing, you must have a process defined at the ungroup location for all entities that could be within the grouped entity. There is NO routing entry AT ALL after an UNGROUP statement. Syntax:UNGROUP
136 Operation Statements u JOIN Both a Routing Rule AND an Operation Statement. As a Routing Rule: holds the entity at current location until another entity at a different location calls for it with a JOIN Operation Statement. As an Operation Statement: causes the waiting entity to be released. Syntax:JOIN
142 Phase 4 Model Features: u Multiple Numbered Routes u Shift Scheduling u Static Resource u New Operation Statements
143 Multiple Routes u Multiple numbered Routes with operation logic to determine which route to execute.
144 Multiple numbered routes, logic determines which to execute Multiple numbered routes, logic determines which to execute
145 Click on “Start New Block” to get a new number in the routing line Click on “Start New Block” to get a new number in the routing line
146 Shift Scheduling u Define shifts from the BUILD - SHIFTS - DEFINE menu. u Shift and Break periods may be defined in 1 minute increments. u Save the created shift with a file name. u Assign Resources and Locations to the shift from the BUILD - SHIFTS - ASSIGN menu.
147 Shift Scheduling u Different priorities for starting a break or an off shift may be defined. Different priorities for while on break or on shift may also be defined. u Logic may be applied to break and offshift periods as well as pre-break and pre-offshift periods.
148 Choose from Define or Assign Choose from Define or Assign
149 Note ability to modify shift Note ability to modify shift
150 Several locations and resources may be assigned to the same shift. Resources within a single group (e.g. 5 repairman) may be assigned to different shifts. Several locations and resources may be assigned to the same shift. Resources within a single group (e.g. 5 repairman) may be assigned to different shifts. Priorities for ending shift, off shift, starting break and break. Priorities for ending shift, off shift, starting break and break. Logic for pre-off shift, off shift, pre-break and break is entered here. Logic for pre-off shift, off shift, pre-break and break is entered here.
151 Static Resources u Used for immobile resources u Do not require assignment to a path network u Place the graphic directly on the layout where you want the resource u Changes color to show status
152 Static Resources: Select the graphic, click on the add button and click on the layout Static Resources: Select the graphic, click on the add button and click on the layout
153 Routing Path Movement u Entities may be moved on Routing Paths (process arrows) u They may only move for a time expression - use the MOVE FOR statement in Move Logic u Routing paths may be bent by adding joints with a right click
154 Example of a bent routing path. Paths are automatically drawn when the process is defined. Bend them by adding a joint after right clicking on the path. Entities, but not resources, may move on the path Example of a bent routing path. Paths are automatically drawn when the process is defined. Bend them by adding a joint after right clicking on the path. Entities, but not resources, may move on the path
155 Setting Run Duration u Simulation run duration is set in the SIMULATION - OPTIONS menu u You may choose Time, Weekly or Calendar Date u The next example shows setting the run time with a calendar date
156 Select the Month, Day, Year, Hour and Minute for the Warmup, Simulation Beginning and Simulation Ending times. Calendar dates are necessary when using shifts Select the Month, Day, Year, Hour and Minute for the Warmup, Simulation Beginning and Simulation Ending times. Calendar dates are necessary when using shifts
157 Operation Statements u LOAD Both a Routing Rule AND an Operation Statement. As a Routing Rule: holds the entity at current location until another entity at a different location calls for it with a LOAD Operation Statement. As an Operation Statement: loads a specified quantity of entities onto the current entity. Syntax:LOAD
158 Operation Statements u UNLOAD Unloads a certain quantity of entities. If the numeric expression is larger than the number of loaded items, it will unload all items and ignore the difference. Syntax:UNLOAD UNLOAD 5 IFF
164 Phase 5 Model Features: u Costing u Stat::Fit u Run Time Interface u Scenarios u Termination Logic u New Operation Statements u Multiple Replications
165 Costing Information To Enter Cost Data u Go to BUILD - COST u Select from Locations, Resources or Entities u Enter the cost information as prompted and appropriate u When running the model, enable cost in SIMULATION - OPTIONS
166 Select Cost
167 Select a location and enter the cost per time unit Select a location and enter the cost per time unit
168 Select a resource and enter the cost per time unit and/or a cost per use Select a resource and enter the cost per time unit and/or a cost per use
169 Select an entity. Only an initial cost may be entered. Select an entity. Only an initial cost may be entered.
170 Stat::Fit u Open Stat::Fit from the ProModel Tools menu. u Open a data set (or Stat::Fit project) from the file menu or the tool button. u Select Statistics - Descriptive to see information about the data. u Click the Auto::Fit button and confirm the distribution type and parameter.
171 Stat::Fit u Check the fit rankings and the null hypothesis accept or reject. u Select the distribution to view how well it fits. u Click the Export button, select which distribution and copy to clipboard. u Paste the distribution (in ProModel format) into the model.
172 Stat::Fit Select the data set and descriptive statistics Select the data set and descriptive statistics
173 Stat::Fit Click Auto::Fit and select the distribution type and parameter Click Auto::Fit and select the distribution type and parameter
174 Stat::Fit Select an accepted distribution and view how well it fits Select an accepted distribution and view how well it fits
175 Stat::Fit Select the distribution and copy the format to the clipboard. Then paste it to ProModel. Select the distribution and copy the format to the clipboard. Then paste it to ProModel.
176 Runtime Interface (RTI) u Easily change model parameters at the start of a model run. u Uses RTI macros. u Provides the ability to run multiple scenarios in a single batch.
177 Macro name RTI: Defined or None RTI: Defined or None Macro text
178 May select a numeric range if the macro text is all numeric May select a numeric range if the macro text is all numeric
179 Then substitute the macro name in the logic or field you want its text to be used Then substitute the macro name in the logic or field you want its text to be used
180 From the main menu select SIMULATION - MODEL PARAMETERS From the main menu select SIMULATION - MODEL PARAMETERS To change a macro value, click on the Change button. It brings up your prompt To change a macro value, click on the Change button. It brings up your prompt
181 To develop model scenarios, use the Simulation - Scenarios option To develop model scenarios, use the Simulation - Scenarios option To add or create a scenario, click on the Add button To add or create a scenario, click on the Add button
182 Select Add Provide Scenario name Change settings Select Add Provide Scenario name Change settings
183 After defining the sets of values you wish the RTI Macros to assume, save them as different Scenarios. Then select Simulation - Scenarios and select Run Scenarios. After defining the sets of values you wish the RTI Macros to assume, save them as different Scenarios. Then select Simulation - Scenarios and select Run Scenarios.
184 Termination logic executes after the model finishes running. It is most often used to do calculations with variables that you want to represent a numeric value that cannot be calculated until all other values in the model are completed. It is also used to write information to an external file.
185 Operation Statements u GETCOST() Returns the accumulated cost of the entity executing the statement. To record this value for later viewing, place it in a variable. Syntax:vEntity_Cost = GETCOST()