Major Events in 2007 Call for the 1st Strategic Observing Program HyperSuprime-Cam subproject established Discussions on collaboration with Princeton Univ. and ASIAA toward MOUs Time exchange with Gemini and Keck Change of Associate Director Toru Yamada => Hideki Takami The 1st Subaru International Conference (Dec 11-15) “Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution”
Mitaka Office Secretary Higashio Science Activities Arimoto Kodama Open Use (Takeda) Imanishi Kashikawa Yoshida [C] Accounting Kuwata Takamoto (Kimura [H]) Iwami Data Management (Yagi) Public Relations (Imanishi) Ofuku Posdocs Minowa Nakajima Kandori Subaru Telescope Organization Director Hayashi [M] Associate Director (HR & Operation) Nishimura Associate Director (Budget and Engineering) Usuda [T] Associate Director (General) Takami Head Official Naito Manager Mitaka Office Noguchi Senior Advisors Karoji, (Ando, Iye, Mizumoto) Science Operation Division Terada Technical Support Division Toyofuku Assistant to Director Endo Human Res. Assis. Guthier General Affairs Okazaki, Otsuki Support Astronomers Furusawa [H] (S-Cam), Fujiyoshi (COMICS), Hattori [T] (FOCAS), Tajitsu (HDS), Tanaka [I] (MOIRCS), Pyo (IRCS), Aoki [K] (CISCO), Ishii (CIAO), (2TBDs) Night Operation Grp Leader (TBD) Obs. System Assoc. & Night Op. Assis. Letawsky, Garay, Harasawa, Hatakeyama, Lemmen, Potter, Scarla Mech. Team Foreperson Ferreira Summit Mech. Techs (I) Castro, Balbarino, Spencer Science Operation Associate Fuselier Motor Pool/Transp. Tech Hopkins Accounting Unit Chief Kawabe Accounting Unit Staff Watanabe [S], Formanek, Yoshida, Roth [2 TBDs] Facility Maintenance Tech Tamae Public Information and Outreach Office Hayashi [S] PIO Office Staff Fuse, McLoud, Usuda-Sato [K], De Sa Day Crew II Foreperson Namikawa Shift Leaders Yutani, Ohshima (Loaned fm Mtk) Summit Telescope Techs (II) Hasegawa [A], Iwasaki Tateishi Updated January 8, 2007 Telescope Engineering Division Tomono Software Division (Takami [H]) Computer & Data Management Division Noumaru Scientist (Takato) Engineers & Technicians Kanzawa, Miyashita, Negishi, Iseki, Kurakami, Uraguchi, Nabeshima Instrument Group Leader Engineers Colley Lab Engineers & Techs Omata, Elms, Gorman, Ramos [TBD] OCS Software Engineers and Prog. Associates Bon, Jeschke, Streeper Inagaki, (TBD) Instrument Software Engineers Tait, Cook, Dinkins, Golota, Weber Director’s Office Posdocs Ishioka Furuya Science & Education Affiliated Researchers Nitta Safety Officer Noumaru (Interim) Safety Engineer Tsutsumi Student Assistants Graduate Students Sub-Manager Aoki [W] Other (Miyauchi) System Advisor Kawai System Administrators Winegar, Schubert, Scanlon Directorate Division Chief Those who have major duties in other projects or divisions are shown in the parentheses. AO Development Manager Hayano Scientists & Engineers Oya,Guyon, Watanabe [M], Hattori [M], Saito, [Engineer] (Dinkins, Golota) New Development ELT Project Sasaki HiCIAO Project Suzuki (Kandori) PIAA and Extreme AO Proj. PI (Guyon) FMOS Commissioning Manager Takato Sub-Manager Akiyama Commissioning Scientists & Engineer Tamura [N], Kimura, (Tait) Library Committee Chair (Takato) Librarian Tsang Gen2 Science Advisors (Terada, Tomono) Hyper Suprime-Cam Subproject Manager (Miyazaki) Engineers & Technicians Doi, Tanaka [Y], (Kamata, Gillingham) Scientists Komiyama, Nakaya, Morokuma, Kawanomoto Hyper Suprime Cam Subproject
Operation Budget (NAOJ faculty staff personnel expenses and computer system rental fee are not included) USD18M
Proposal Statistics
Telescope Time Usage
Downtime Statistics
Instrument Usage (Service observations are not included)
13 News Releases in 2007 COSMOS (Massey et al.) γ Cep (Fukagawa et al.) Strange Hα filament (Yagi et al.) Crab nebula (Yamada et al.) Schwassman- Wachman (Fuse et al.) Deep Impact (Kadono et al.) Extragalactic Thorium (Aoki et al.) Meteor tracks (Iye et al.) Jet? (Hioki et al.) Leo II more extended (Komiyama et al.) Another target? Ancient galaxy morphology (Akiyama et al.) Spin-orbit alignment (Narita et al.)
Coming Instrument Status Suprime-Cam with full depletion layer CCDs HiCIAO Strategic observing proposal under review at SAC AO188 Risk shared use of NGS from S08B FMOS Continue testing Hyper Suprime-Cam Conceptual Design Review and fabrication WFMOS Gemini-Subaru WFMOS Workshop Continue discussion with Gemini
Major Issues in 2008 Keep steady operations and outcomes Telescope Control System (SOSS) on new hardware (June) Begin fabrication of Hyper Suprime-Cam with successful CoDR Conclude MOUs with Princeton Univ and ASIAA Continue time exchange with Gemini and Keck Gemini-Subaru-JSPS Workshop on WFMOS (May 19-22) Organize the 2nd Subaru international conference
Some Minor Remarks Please send an to Science Operation Division Chief terada with CCs to nishimura and masa if you ask to add or change targets. We ask all the MOIRCS MOS users to provide time (~1 hour) to take pre-images for the next MOS users. We will consult this issue with SAC soon. No TOO for Keck-Subaru exchanged time (5 nights)