Barracuda Security Service
Barracuda Networks Introduction to Barracuda Security Service 2 Easy to Deploy Cloud-based security Nothing to download / install Start filtering in 10 minutes Remote/mobile filtering agents Optional gateway appliances Economical All-inclusive price spooling included Technology Leadership Business Continuity Spooling No updates – instant protection
Barracuda Networks Cloud-Based security Block borne threats Nothing to install or download Leverage the scale of cloud Complete Feature Set Inbound and outbound scanning Per user message log and quarantine Reduce downtime due to network outages by spooling Cost Effective Competitive pricing Barracuda Security Service
Barracuda Networks Setup 1. Point MX records2. Provide Destination Server
Barracuda Networks Barracuda Anti-Virus Supercomputing Grid Leverage the cloud to block polymorphic viruses Patent Pending technology Barracuda Anti-Fraud Intelligence Targeted layer for “Advance-Fee” fraud, etc. Business Continuity Technology Leadership
Barracuda Networks If delivery fails Hold s 96 hours Unspool manually Different from deferred / rejected Spooling
Barracuda Networks Cloud-based solution RBL-blocked s still downloaded Spam, viruses etc. not downloaded Bandwidth Savings
Barracuda Networks Pricing based on number of users Actual recipients Aliases not counted Aliases Local users Domain aliases LDAP aliases Priced on number of mailboxes Pricing – user/alias
Barracuda Networks Need to block port 25 traffic on server Except from BESS IP Range Different kinds of s Regular mail deliveries Re-deliveries Notifications IP Range /20 IP Range
Barracuda Networks Need to declare IP range to BESS IP Range mapped to account Multiple domains can have same IP range Outbound
Barracuda Networks Santa Clara, California South Field, Michigan different from Web Latency not primary concern Privacy and International regulations are Additional Locations As needed Data Center Locations