UNCLASSIFIED Marine Corps System Command OIF Support Urgent UNS Process & Equipment Support 8-9 Sept 2004 Marine Corps System Command Unit Operation CenterCombat Operations Center Armor - HMMVW LAV – MTVR Col Paul Ortiz Program Manager, Operations Center; Marine Corps System Command , cell
UNCLASSIFIED OVERVIEW Marine Corps Advocacy Perspective…. Marine Corps Combat Development Command, (MCCDC) Expeditionary Force Development System Process – Past and Present. Urgent Universal Need Statement (UUNS) Marine Corps System Command OIF Support Marine Corps System Command Forging Forward
UNCLASSIFIED Marine Corps Working to Equip Warfighters, Remove Roadblocks: Ensuring Simple, Rapid Response to USMC Warfighter Acquisition Requirements It means two things: 1. In peace time clarifying requirements through faster consensus. 2. In war time rapidly refocusing resources on emergent campaign needs. It means two things: 1. In peace time clarifying requirements through faster consensus. 2. In war time rapidly refocusing resources on emergent campaign needs. Marine Corps System Command Supporting Marines in OIF
UNCLASSIFIED Consensus Building = Advocacy Rapid Warfighter Consensus Building = Advocacy Established in 1999 by CMC Policy Memo Consists of 0-8/0-9 boards Ground Combat Element (GCE) Aviation Combat Element (ACE) Combat Service Support Element (CSSE) Command Element (CE) Marine Requirements Oversight Council Marine Requirements Oversight Council (MROC) Established 2000 Streamlined Requirements Streamlined Requirements Generation = EFDS Established Nov 2002 by MCO A Simplifies Requirements Generation through UNS process Capitalizes on Advocacy Consensus Building Expeditionary Force Development (EFDS) System Historical Perspective
UNCLASSIFIED Advocacy Builds Consensus Builds Consensus in Multiple Areas Not just for Material Requirements Harnesses expert input down to Regt/MAG Commanders Operational Advisory Groups (OAGs) provide expert advise GCE Example GCE Example: GCE Advocate – LtGen Huly – HQMC (PP&O) GCE Board – All 4 Division Commanders Multiple Operational Advisory Groups (OAG)– Infantry, Artillery,… Built after Marine Corps Aviation Model
D O T M L P F Fielded Capability MCB Quantico Expeditionary Force Development Center Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory Marine Corps University Training and Education Command Advocates DOTMLPF Working Group Experimentation Doctrine Organization Training Materiel Leadership & Education Personnel FacilitiesCO N C E T S P MROC JROC Operating Forces Supporting Establishment Materiel Solutions Marine Corps Expeditionary Force Development System
A Path to ID Roadblocks REQUIREMENTS PPBSACQUISITION FIELDED EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS GENERATION RESOURCING PROCUREMENT FIELDED CAPABILITY Roadblock 1 – Lack of Rapid Warfighter Consensus Roadblock 2 – No Streamlined Requirements Initiation Marine Corps System Command Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) P&R MFP MCCDC Lengthy Process
UNCLASSIFIED Normal (peacetime) view of The Process PPBSACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS Strategic Partnership $$$ Allocated Across FYDP Fielded capabilities across FYDP Consensus & UNS Promote Strategic Partnership Uncertain World Imminent War Warfighters Utilize Campaign Planning Tool Feature
UNCLASSIFIED Campaign Planning Tool Campaign Planning Tool (Urgent UNS Process) Short-term tailoring prioritized to support campaign-specific needs PPBSACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS Strategic Partnership $$$ Allocated Across FYDP Fielded capabilities across FYDP Urgent UNS Process All Stakeholders Recoup some portion through supplemental Broad Strategic Vision Retained
UNCLASSIFIED OIF II Urgent UNS Timeline Program Example: Unit Operation Center MARFOR Approval Dec 03 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Initiation of Urgent UNS Nov 03 MROC Approval Dec 03 Acquisition & Training in CONUS OCONUS Shipping In-theater Training, Unit set-up & Implementation Jan 03 Mid-Jan 04Early Mar 04 Systems in Iraq
UNCLASSIFIED Urgent UNS Staffing Process Process published via MARADMIN 533/03 OIF II URGENT UNIVERSAL NEED STATEMENT (UNS) PROCESS ComMarForPac reviews and prioritizes MCCDC processes for review & analysis w/P&R while MarCorSysCom concurrently conducts assessment for acquisition strategy Review and analysis expedited to 1 day UUNS request expedited to MROC for decision. (All Urgent UNS are seen by the MROC) Fielding expedited by MarCorSysCom as directed by MROC Decision Memorandum During Dec 03 / June 04: Processed and presented over 65 issues to MROC for decision in 37 days in support of OIF II.
UNCLASSIFIED OIF I New Equipment Technology Examples Joint Blue Force Tracker (Joint Effort) Personal Role Radio (Coalition Effort) Baseline COC………. Enroute Care System Dragon Eye UAV…………….. Provisional Mortar Ballistic Computer SOPHIE Thermal Imagers…...
UNCLASSIFIED OIF II Equipment Vehicle Armor Side Body Armor Ceramic Plates “L” Shape Protection Doors Zoner Armor Tail Gate Armor Supporting OIF II future needs: MTVR Armor Kit 1000+; Oshkosh – Palsan Sasa Corps. Integrated Marine Armor Kits OIF II New Equipment Technology Insertion
UNCLASSIFIED HMMWV Marine Armor Kit (MAK) (Integrated Armor Kit) with Enhanced Flank Protection Enhanced Armor Appliqué Ventilation Panels Overhead Protection Note: full kit compatible with HMMWVA2 variants only Red Zone = Protected area
UNCLASSIFIED MTVR Armor ECP(Integrated Armor Kit) Bolt-on Solution Steel/composite Panel Solution 7.62mm AP BZ Threat Protection Replacement doors and heavy-duty hinges Blast deflectors under frame Center seating in Cargo Body
UNCLASSIFIED Total PMC Required: ~ $106M FULLY DELIVEREDPARTIALLY DELIVERED X ACCELERATION OR PROGRAM EXPANSIONS Summary of Funded UNS Two-thirds (67%) of items are Accelerations or Program Expansions
UNCLASSIFIED refine Advocacy & EFDS processContinue to refine Advocacy & EFDS process in support of Requirements Generation. Lessons LearnedApply Lessons Learned from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), through Operational Forces Feedback, Assessments and Analysis. Leverage increasing digitization in staffing Requirements MCSC LNO TeamsContinue to provide MCSC LNO Teams (MarFor, MEF…) Utilize inherent flexibility of advocacy & EFDS to capitalize on emerging transformational opportunities. Refocusing resources in support of imminent contingencies will occur in the future Marine Corps System Command Forging Forward Over 60 Urgent UNS Over 60 Urgent UNS = Over 35,000 pieces of equipment Total of ~ $175M of PMC reprogrammed Total of ~ $1.5M of RDT&E reprogrammed Total of ~ $17M of OMMC required Over 60 Urgent UNS Over 60 Urgent UNS = Over 35,000 pieces of equipment Total of ~ $175M of PMC reprogrammed Total of ~ $1.5M of RDT&E reprogrammed Total of ~ $17M of OMMC required