In Eph 6:10-20 Paul is preparing the Ephesians for warfare Christians must fight against evil Armed with weapons of righteousness Led by our Commander-In-Chief, Jesus
STAND FOR TRUTH AND FIGHT EVIL – Fight of faith 1Tim 6:12; Phil 1:27; Jude 3; Phil 1:15-17 – Fight against evil Gal 5:17; Eph 6:12; Jhn 16:33; 1Jhn 5:4,5; 2Tim 2:4; Rom 7:23; 1Pet 5:8
WEAPONS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS – Armor and protection of God Eph 6:13; 2Cor 6:7; Rom 13:12 – Defensive and protective Eph 6:14; Eph 6:16,17; 1Thess 5:8; – Weapons are "of God" 2Cor 10:4,5; Eph 6:17, 18; Heb 4:12
LED BY CHRIST – Jesus is our captain Heb 2:10 – Jesus is our leader 1Pet 2:21; 1Jhn 2:6 – We must present ourselves as His servants Rom 6:16
WEAPON MUST BE USED TO BE EFFECTIVE – Note the action verbs in the scriptures "Take" sword Eph 6:17 "Put on" armor Eph 6:11 "Cast off" darkness Rom 13:12 "Put on" breastplate 1Thess 5:8 – All weapons, regardless of how good, are useless without our actions
All must fight – Must have the same conflict Paul had Phil 1:30 – On one side or the other Matt 12:30; Jas 4:4 – God expected the Israelites to fight Num 14:1-4,20-24; Heb 2:2,3 – God expects us to fight for our reward 2Tim 4:7,8; Matt 19:17; Jhn 14:15-23
Will you fight in order to have heaven as reward? Love, joy, peace are necessary, but will not substitute for our responsibility to fight for truth Why not join the fight today?