MyFloridaMarketPlace MyFloridaMarketPlace User Meeting August 8, 2007
Page - 2 Agenda Welcome / Introduction State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress Vendor System Enhancements Vendor Survey Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades Change Review Board (CRB) Update Enhanced Operational Reporting Ongoing Communications Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move Next Meeting Time / Location
Page - 3 Agenda Welcome / Introduction State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress Vendor System Enhancements Vendor Survey Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades Change Review Board (CRB) Update Enhanced Operational Reporting Ongoing Communications Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move Next Meeting Time / Location
Page - 4 State Purchasing Update Punchout / Line Item Catalog Enablement Completed Line Item Catalog Enablement of the following contracts: Mail Processing equipment (Contract Number: ) Body Armor contract (Contract Number: ): 8 out of the 10 catalogs loaded as line item PRIDE contracts Office Furniture (Contract Number: P) Metal Lockers (Contract Number: P) Cleaning Chemicals & Supplies (Contract Number: P) Shelving Metal (Contract Number: P) Fencing (Contract Number: P) Signage (Contract Number: P) Traffic Paint (Contract Number: P) Park Furniture (Contract Number: P) Mattresses (Contract Number: P) Key Data Entry (Contract Number: P)
Page - 5 State Purchasing Update “In-Process” Activities Punchout activities: VF Imagewear Punchout Identification of additional punchout site candidates Line Item Catalog Enablement: Detention Clothing (Contract Number: P)- Targeted for next month Body Armor contract (Contract Number: ): Currently working with Gator Hawk Armor, Inc. and Protective Apparel Corporation of America to load their contracts into MFMP eInvoicing adoption campaign
Page - 6 Vendor Initiatives Vendor System Enhancements are in the process of being reviewed Target is to identify and implement a set of initial enhancements as part of Q1 and Q2 releases Initial enhancements will most likely address data clean-up activities and vendor reporting enhancements Team is targeting late August to distribute a Vendor Survey. Feedback will be used for the following: Determine subsequent enhancements Preferred communication channels for vendors
Page - 7 Agenda Welcome / Introduction State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress Vendor System Enhancements Vendor Survey Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades Change Review Board (CRB) Update Enhanced Operational Reporting Ongoing Communications Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move Next Meeting Time / Location
Page - 8 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades Both of these modules have been upgraded and are live in Production State Purchasing is continuing to be the primary user of the Sourcing application, with additional agency roll-out considerations to come soon Change Review Board Update Focus for Q1 is the ‘User Queue Report’ enhancement The Design Approval team approved the design of the report which will provide insight into the time it takes individual approvers in a workflow to approve system transactions (i.e., Master Agreement Requests, Requisitions, and Invoice Reconciliations) The report will also categorize workflow approval times into: Agency approval time FLAIR approval time Audit approval time
Page - 9 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates This mock-up provides a ‘general’ sense of what the report will look like Note: There will be additional day range columns. Specifically, the Design Approval Team finalized on the following day ranges for columns: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-14, and >14 SAMPLE
Page - 10 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates Enhanced Operational Reporting Team will be working with the CRB to discuss this enhancement An interim meeting of the CRB will be scheduled to discuss current available reports and the approach for gathering general requirements Meeting notice will be sent shortly
Page - 11 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates Ongoing Communications Hot topic communications will continue as appropriate (e.g., catalog enablement communication) The MFMP semi-annual survey was distributed to approximately 2000 users (a mix of Purchasing and F&A users) Responses are requested by August 15 th The team is also following up with agencies to identify ongoing spend targets / invoicing targets for the subsequent fiscal year
Page - 12 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates MFMP 2.0 will be moving to the State’s Shared Resource Center (SRC) in September All of the production servers have been installed in the center, and are currently being configured The SRC and MFMP staff will be working together on the configuration, functional testing, performance testing, and security testing of the system over the course of the next month The final conversion is currently scheduled for September, with the final date available in the next two weeks What does this mean to my agency? The downtime for the conversion will be limited to the weekend No weekday downtime is expected More information will be distributed in the next few weeks
Page - 13 Agenda Welcome / Introduction State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress Vendor System Enhancements Vendor Survey Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades Change Review Board (CRB) Update Enhanced Operational Reporting Ongoing Communications Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move Next Meeting Time / Location
Page - 14 Next Meeting Time and Location November 7 th Carr Building 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.