The Ballad of Mulan Vocabulary Preview
armor At dawn Mulan dressed in her armor and bid a sad farewell to her father, mother, sister, and brother. ar·mor noun \ˈär-mər\ What clues can you use to help you with the meaning of the word?
comrades Her comrades were astonished and amazed. com·rade noun \ˈkäm-ˌrad\
endured Nights at the camp were harsh and cold, but Mulan endured every hardship. en·dure verb \in-ˈdu̇r\
farewell At dawn Mulan dressed in her armor and bid a sad farewell to her father, mother, sister, and brother. fare·well verb \fer-ˈwel\
triumphant After ten years, she returned as a great general, triumphant and victorious. tri·um·phant adjective \trī-ˈəm(p)-fənt\
troops The emperor is calling for troops. troop noun \ˈtrüp\
victorious After ten years, she returned as a great general, triumphant and victorious. vic·to·ri·ous adjective \vik-ˈtōr-ē-əs\