State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Jim Butler Chief Procurement Officer Department of General Services State of California C A L I F O R N I A D E P A R T M E N T O F G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S P R O C U R E M E N T D I V I S I O N
State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Agenda Leveraged Procurement Agreements CDCR – Realignment Fi$Cal Cloud Computing Questions
Leveraged Procurement Agreements (LPAs) Water, Emergency Bulk Supply for Public Water Systems Hazardous Incident Response Equipment (HIRE) Public Safety Communication Equipment Body Armor (Ballistic, Stab/Spike, and Combination / Female, Ballistic IIIA) Fire Suppressant, Foam Concentrate Helicopters State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies
CDCR Realignment AB 109 Provides a dedicated and permanent revenue stream to counties through Vehicle License Fees and a portion of the State sales tax outlined in trailer bills AB 118 and Senate Bill 89. AB118 Provides revenue to counties for local public safety programs Senate Bill 89 Establishes the Local Revenue Fund 2011 (Fund) for counties to receive the revenues and appropriate funding for 2011 Public Safety Realignment. AB 111 Gives counties additional flexibility to access funding to increase local jail capacity for the purpose of implementing Realignment. AB 94 (2011 Realignment Legislation Addressing Public Safety) Lowers the county’s required contribution from 25 percent to 10 percent SB 87 Provided counties with a one-time appropriation of $25 million to cover costs associated with hiring, retention, training, data improvements, contracting costs, and capacity planning pursuant to each county’s AB 109 implementation plan. State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies
CDCR Realignment (cont.) Impact to California Prison Industry Authority (Cal-PIA): The Career Technical Education (CTE) program from Cal-PIA is the first of its kind in the nation to partner an offender rehabilitation program with trade unions to meet the rehabilitative needs of offenders. Cal-PIA has partnered with the Sheriffs Department to help local jails with their rehabilitation needs with lower level offenders. Cal-PIA revenue has declined by the loss of Level 1 inmates to the counties and cities. To help remedy this, Cal-PIA has begun an Outreach effort to make Cal-PIA available to cities and counties, with the hope to contract out theirs goods and services. Cal-PIA has also begun to educate these local entities on goods and services provided by Cal-PIA to help with the counties and cities that will house these lower level offenders for extended periods of time. For further information, please contact Scott Walker at State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies
Fi$Cal The Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal Project) is a business transformation project for state government processes in the areas of: Budgeting Accounting Procurement Cash management The project will deploy the PeopleSoft enterprise resource planning system that will allow the state to function in an integrated financial management environment.
State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Fi$Cal (cont.) Cities, Counties, and School Districts will potentially be able to post bids for free on Fi$Cal. Will be able to search for past bids for reporting purposes using State Contract & Procurement Registration System (SCPRS) data.
State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Fi$Cal (cont.) Timeline
Cloud Computing State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Assists departments with Cloud by covering areas that are not specifically in the IT GPs. Example: Data ownership, Data availability, Data security, encryption, and auditing. Greater flexibility for departments with carve-out language: Can modify to meet specific needs and protect the interests of the State without being overly prescriptive.
Cloud Computing State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Tools: State Model Cloud Computing Services Special Provisions Cloud Computing Contract Checklist Cloud Computing FAQs Cloud webpage: General information, resources and buying SaaS Policy and procedures in the State Contracting Manual (Volume 3) Training: CalPCA workshop for Cloud Computing Special Provisions (SaaS) Statement of Work and Carve-out training
State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Questions: Statewide Agreements – Eric Mandell (916) Statewide Policy – Ricardo Martinez (916) Statewide Small Business/Disable Veteran Business Enterprise – Angel Carrera (916) C A L I F O R N I A D E P A R T M E N T O F G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S P R O C U R E M E N T D I V I S I O N
State of the State (Procurement) – Issues at the State Level Affecting Local Agencies Thank you C A L I F O R N I A D E P A R T M E N T O F G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S P R O C U R E M E N T D I V I S I O N