Transitioning NIJ Standards June 3, 2014 IAB
Restraints Standard Duty Holster Retention Standard Handheld Metal Detector Standard Walk-Through Metal Detector Standard Offender Tracking System Standard Bomb Suit Standard Law Enforcement CBRN Protective Ensemble Standard Ongoing NIJ efforts to develop new and update existing standards.
Ballistic Resistant Body Armor NIJ BA SAG Stab Resistant Body Armor License Plate Readers Interview Room Video Systems Vehicular Digital Multimedia Evidence Recording System Standard NIJ-ASTM: Guide for Body Armor Measurement and Fitting
NIJ—ASTM WK41172 New Practice for Determining Body Armor Coverage NIJ—ASTM WK42557 New Terminology for Body Armor NIJ—ASTM WK42400 New Specification for Clay Backing Material Used in Ballistic –Resistance Testing NIJ-ASTM WK45341 New Test Method for Ballistic Resistant Shields NIJ-ASTM WK46196 Test range configuration and Projectile velocity measurement Ongoing NIJ efforts to develop new and update existing standards.
NIJ –ASTM Ballistic Helmets NIJ Slash Resistance for Body Armor Standard NIJ-PEO Soldier re: body armor mechanical wear conditioning protocol NIST—ASTM WK42877 New Practice for Environmental Conditioning of Flexible Body Armor NIST—ASTM WK42877 New Test method for Standard Test Method for Ballistic Protective Materials Ongoing NIJ efforts to develop new and update existing standards.
Overview Collaboration initiated in 2013 between the National Institute of Justice, the U.S. Army Program Executive Office - Soldier, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology Collaboration Goals: 1)Work together to harmonize body armor standards, where practical. 2)Help eliminate the duplication of effort, more effectively use resources, and reduce testing costs. 3)Provide the best protection possible for armor wearers using the combined knowledge and resources of federal agencies, law enforcement agencies, testing and certification bodies, and manufacturers. ASTM International selected as the standards development organization: Have previously developed body armor standards Provides a forum where all stakeholders can collaborate to develop common test methods, specifications, practices, and guides. 2
NIJ and DOD Standards Include: Current State Ballistic Limit Test P-BFS Test Sample Conditioning Workmanship Requirements Backface Deformation Measurement Test Range Configuration Projectile Velocity Measurement Performance Requirements Test Threats Terminology Sample Requirements Clay Backing Material Not included but related: Measurement and Fitting
Questions? Debra Stoe NIJ Standards Policy Advisor