S HANG D YNASTY (T HE B RONZE A GE ). Q UICK R EVIEW ✕ What continent is China located on? ✕ Name the two major rivers. ✕ What isolated China from the.


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Presentation transcript:


Q UICK R EVIEW ✕ What continent is China located on? ✕ Name the two major rivers. ✕ What isolated China from the rest of the world?

S HANG ✕ It was the first dynasty. ✕ It was stablished by the 1500’s BC. ✕ It lasted 700 years. ✕ 30 different kings ruled during this dynasty. ✕ Strongest in the Huang He Valley. ✕ Ruled a broad area of Northern China. ✕ They moved their capital numerous times to avoid floods or attacks by their enemy. ✕ They were known for human sacrifices.

C ITIES ✕ Had protective walls that were 30 ft high, 65 ft thick and 4 miles long. ✕ Inside the walls lived the Royal Family, priests and warriors. ✕ Artisans lived outside the walls in mud houses that were built up against the wall. ✕ Farmers lived in villages outside the walls.

S HANG S OCIAL O RDER ✕ Shang had an organized social order 1. Royal Family and Nobles 2. Warriors 3. Artisans 4. Farmers 5. Slaves

T OP L EVEL – L EVEL 1 ✕ The King - Was at the center of Shang political and religious life. ✕ Lived in large homes made of Mud and wood. ✕ Hunting was a favorite past-time. ✕ The Nobles - job was to advise the king, they owned a lot of land that they passed down to their sons. ✕ Lived in large, brick homes with tiled roofs. ✕ Homes were lavishly decorated and furnished.

✕ Fought for the dynasty. ✕ Wore bronze armor. ✕ Used chariots made of bronze and wood. ✕ Each chariot had a driver, spearman and an archer. ✕ Carried daggers, spears, and axes. Level 2 - Warriors

✕ Lived in groups outside the city walls. ✕ Made weapons, pottery, tools, clothing. Level 3 - Artisans

✕ Most people were farmers. ✕ Worked long hours and had little money. ✕ Most of the money they made had to be paid to the government in taxes. ✕ They didn’t own the land. ✕ Had to give the nobles part of the food they grew. Level 4 - Farmers

✕ Lowest rank ✕ They were an important source of labor. Level 5 - Slaves

S HANG A DVANCES ✕ Came up with China’s first writing system-a lot of the symbols used today in Chinese language come from those made during the Shang Dynasty.

S HANG A DVANCES ( CON.) ✕ Beautiful bronze containers for cooking and religious ceremonies. ✕ Ornaments from jade ✕ Axes ✕ Knives ✕ War chariots ✕ Bow ✕ Bronze body armor ✕ Calendar based on the cycle of the moon.

O RACLE B ONES ✕ Priests carve questions about the future on bones. ✕ They put the bones over a fire and the bones crack. ✕ The priests thought they could “read” the cracks to predict the future.

T RADITIONS STILL PRACTICED TODAY ✕ Ancestor Worship - worshiping and praying to family members who are deceased. ✕ Offer gifts, such as meat or wine to ancestors to show respect. ✕ If you didn’t offer gifts, natural disaster would occur. ✕ They often build temples for ancestors. ✕ Inside the home there is an altar to pray to their ancestors.