OVER chow… What’s a big goal you attempted? How did it go?
We thank you, O God, for these delectable vittles. May they add to your glory and not to our middles. Amen!
The Bible was written/compiled over centuries. The OT was written in Hebrew. The NT was written in Greek. We read translations… Stories of Jesus are told in 4 Gospels. Paul wrote letters…wrote Ephesians from prison… to a town in Turkey.
What is GRACE? G od’s R iches A t C hrist’s E xpence The Hebrew word for Peace is: Shalom Peace is health of all our… (sing Dt. 6:5)
Who’s Your Daddy? Peek ahead: Ephesians 6, Armor of God What’s on your “belt of truth”? God created me, loves me, and has a purpose for my life.
Well, I am a wounded soldier But I will not leave the fight ‘cause I know the Great Physician Is healin’ me And I’m standin’ in the battle In the armor of the light And I know his mighty power Is real in me
I am loved (echo) I am accepted (echo) And my wounds will be made whole (echo) I am loved (echo) I am protected (echo) By the Savior of my soul (echo) DANCE!
Well, I am a wounded soldier But I will not leave the fight ‘cause I know the Great Physician Is healin’ me And I’m standin’ in the battle In the armor of the light And I know his mighty power Is real in me
What’s sin? Losing our _________. (“trespassing”) Missing the _________. The Hebrew word Torah, which most Bibles translate _______, literally means ______ or _______.
Christ is our Righteousness (breastplate) › My marathon. › Purpose, goal, destination, target, “crosshairs” › Path, WAY. Following Jesus, we get where we were always meant to go.
By TRAINING—aiming at a PURPOSE, following the PATH toward it with good GUIDES—we can one day do what we couldn’t even imagine just by trying. Sam Bosio, 1 st Degree Black Belt (Check out Sam’s “belt of truth”! )
Sunday Notes. Worship, welcome, serve. Nursery News—Thanks! Campership Chili Cookoff, 11/4 30-Hour Famine, 11/18-19
Kids to kids, adults to adults, let’s conclude with our Baptismal blessing: (Name), child of God, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and marked with the cross of Christ forever.
Gather your stuff Put up tables and chairs Check and see the kitchen is tidy Ask PB if there’s anything else to do!