Alec Fortier Alexis Goggin Aliyah Lanier Haley Russ Jon Golen Team IL_33_ZZ318 of The Stock Market Game.
Team IL_33_ZZ318 From left to right: Aliyah Lanier, Jon Golen, Alexis Goggin, Haley Russ, and Alec Fortier
Research Our team used company websites and finance web pages for research. Visuals such as graphs and charts helped us choose. Checked stocks that we bought weekly. Looked into new stocks regularly.
Reasoning Christmas Season was arriving- people are: Purchasing electronics. (AAPL) Sending gifts through postal service. (GNK) Using internet to compare prices. (GOOG) Everyday uses for stocks: Bicarbonate Products used often. (CHD)
Making Decisions/ Teamwork Researched backgrounds on stocks. Discussed reasons to purchase. Checked our current balance. Made all decisions together- Contributed possible ideas. Confirmed with teammates before purchasing. Equally split research/ pros and cons.
Stocks that did consistently well. Google (GOOG) Apple (AAPL) Genco Shipping & Trading (GNK) Walmart (WMT)
Stocks That Fluctuated Exxon Mobile (XOM) Coca Cola (COKE) Under Armor (UA) Nike (NKE)
Remaining Stocks in Portfolio GOOG- Google. AAPL- Apple. CHD- Church and Dwight Inc. GNK- Genco Shipping and Trading. End Results: Equity = $111,082 Return Above SP500 = 7.2
What did we learn? How to research Importance of teamwork Complexity of the Stock Market Planning & Strategy is key Necessary component is patience
A Special Thanks to the Official Sponsors Chicago Board Options Exchange Chicago Tribune News in Education Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC Econ Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago St. Bede Faculty Mrs. Hodur & Mrs. Washington Mr. Guerin & Mrs. Kennedy