Start Game. The crime begins  The queen was mysteriously was murdered while you were on guard. The others blame you for the crime. You get put in the.


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Presentation transcript:

Start Game

The crime begins  The queen was mysteriously was murdered while you were on guard. The others blame you for the crime. You get put in the jail. A gift arrives of food there is a key in the bread.  What do you do? You leave the cell now You wait till the night to leave

You leave now  A guard spots you as you are escaping the cell. He follows you but you don’t see him tell the other guards that you have escaped your cell.  What do you do You stay and fight You run and hide

You wait till night  You get out of your cell safely with out alerting the roman guards sleeping on the job. You find two ways out of the jail. But a patrol is coming.  What do you do You go the secret way and hide You stay and fight

You fight  You are un armed and have no armor you lose  GAME OVER Go Back

You are hidden  More guards are passing buy your open cell and are on high alert and are after you.  What do you do? Take out a guard and take his armor and weapon You find another way out

Take the equipment  You escape the prison safely and the guards are still on alert for you. The guards are at your house in anticipation of you going there.  What do you do? Sneak in the house and leave a note for your family Leave the city and lay low

You escape safely  You see your house and it is surrounded by guards. If the see you they will get you.  What do you do? Sneak in and leave a not for your family Leave the city and lay low

You leave the note  You leave the city after you leave the note. You get a new name and identity for yourself. A new city to live in till your name is cleared.  What do you do? You are cleared and go home You go back to fight for your family

You leave the city  You leave the city. You get a new name and identity for yourself. A new city to live in till your name is cleared. But guards are following you.  What do you do? You go back to fight for your family You are cleared and go home

Game over  You are a free man and live your life

Game over  You die trying to fight for your family