1 | Program Name or Ancillary Texteere.energy.gov Water Power Peer Review [Annex IV] Hoyt Battey Andrea Copping DOE Water Power Program Date Annex IV: Assessment of Environmental Effects and Monitoring Efforts for Ocean Wave, Tidal, and Current Energy Systems Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Date
2 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Purpose, Objectives, & Integration Project Purpose -With few MHK devices in the water worldwide, there is a need to share all available information on environmental effects. -Annex IV will gather and analyze MHK effects data to increase availability of scarce, expensive, and disparate environmental data crucial to the successful permitting and siting of MHK projects -Leverage valuable international resources to inform regulatory process by tapping into research on and experience with potential environmental impacts of MHK devices and analogous technologies Water Power Mission -Water Power Program’s mission for market acceleration activities: to quantify and strategically reduce the time and balance-of-system costs associated with siting and deploying MHK projects. -Annex IV will provide industry members, regulators, researchers, and other stakeholders with an effective tool to assist in the siting, monitoring, and mitigation decisions of MHK projects Research Integration -Design, creation, and maintenance of database tied to the development of PNNL’s Knowledge Management System, Tethys. Annex IV data will be embedded within and supported by the Tethys database
3 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Technical Approach Methods -Creation of a publicly accessible database to house MHK environmental effects data; PNNL developing Annex IV database -PNNL directs collection and analysis of information, assisted by contractors (Wave Energy Centre, Portugal and University of Plymouth Marine Center, UK) -PNNL hosted and compiled results from experts’ workshop in report -Solicited information and feedback from member nation representatives -Change in project scope: collection of metadata in order to pinpoint best datasets, and de-emphasized analogue data collection -Development of standard data format for international reporting; collecting metadata for analysis Current Key Issues -Refining data collection process to increase efficiency, expand search for data, and best address the MHK industry’s most critical needs
4 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Plan, Schedule, & Budget Schedule Initiation date: January 2010 Planned completion date: December 31, 2012 –Original Annex IV scope began and ended 6 months earlier FY10/FY11 Milestones: –Experts’ Workshop and Report –Design of database complete –Creation of standard form for international data collection Budget: Budget includes DOE support for PNNL database development and work with contractor; Annex IV member nations (including U.S.) pay annual dues for 3 years to cover cost of contractor Additional $70K budget was added to cover expenses and travel for U.S. and Canadian participants in experts’ workshop in Dublin Sept 2010 Budget History FY2010FY2011FY2012 DOECost-shareDOECost-shareDOECost-share $120K N/A$57.1KN/A$57.1KN/A
5 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Accomplishments and Results Accomplishments: -Experts’ workshop in Dublin, Sept Planned and hosted workshop, assistance from Irish Marine Institute -Fifty-eight experts from 8 nations participated (researchers, industry, regulators) and compiled and published results -Prepared and delivered workshop report, reflecting proposed changes in scope to Annex Suggestions from experts’ workshop incorporated into Annex workplan, vetted with Annex IV and OES-IA representatives -Designed and created the database (Tethys), now publicly available (Annex IV content still limited) -Presented final database framework to IEA-OES committee -Created a standard format to feed metadata into database for collection of international data and -Distributed data collection instrument to participating member nations -Data collection underway
6 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Challenges to Date Challenges: -Results from experts’ workshop led to some changes in scope -Shift to prioritize metadata and de-emphasize analogue data collection -Changes in scope slowed data collection and database population -Distribution of data instrument to developers and researchers in their respective nations -Collecting annual Annex dues from member nations Resolutions: -Addressed in the Annex IV presentation at the IEA-OES Ex-Co meeting on September 12, 2011 with member nation representatives -Conference calls with member nations planned to address these challenges and emphasize need for active participation
7 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Next Steps Immediate Next Steps: -Completed metadata forms needed; help from Annex IV representatives essential -Call with all member nations to discuss data gathering strategy -Annex IV members to review database functionality and format FY12 Plans: -Completion of metadata collection, zeroing in on appropriate data sets -Analysis of metadata and case studies -Completion and distribution of preliminary, draft, and final reports -Potentially host a second experts’ workshop to evaluate and comment on the content and functionality of the database
8 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Additional Slides The following slides are for information purposes only
9 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Guidelines for number of slides (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Most presenters this year will be allotted between 10 and 20 minutes for the presentation with 5 to 10 minutes reserved for Q&A. Thus, shorter presentations should contain a maximum of 10 presented slides, with no more than 1 slide per minute for longer presentations. The bulk of your presentation/discussion should be devoted to the “Technical Approach,” “Accomplishments and Results,” and “Next Steps” sections, depending on how much work has been completed
10 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Preparation Instructions (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Do not include any proprietary, copyrighted, or confidential information. Do not mark any slide with “Official Use Only” or any similar restriction used by your organization. Please name your electronic MS PowerPoint presentation file as follows (use the first 4 letters of your title): [Title_Organization_LastName.ppt]. Do not incorporate animation or special effects since all presentations will be saved as PDF files for presentation and for posting on the web. Animations critical to describing the project may be presented as separate files, however they must be approved by the Program and presented within your allotted time.
11 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Final Instructions (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Your presentation, in MS PowerPoint format, is due to Ed Eugeni at by September 27 th. If your presentation is too large to , contact Ed Eugeni at for alternative delivery options. Reviewers will be receiving your presentation prior to the meeting. In order to supply adequate time for the reviewers to review your material prior to the meeting, you MUST submit your presentation by close of business on September 27th. Your project is subject to a score reduction penalty if you fail to meet this deadline.
12 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Questions? (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Contact: –Hoyt Battey at –or Ed Eugeni at