…your on-line resource for qualified plan information. This application is designed to be very easy to use. We hope you will take full advantage of this powerful prospecting system! DataMaster Pro contains detailed information on over one million qualified retirement and welfare benefit plans. You can instantly search this volume of information using any combination of criteria to pinpoint plans of interest. Then view, print or export information to suit your needs. Welcome to DataMaster Pro…
DataMaster Pro features a multitude of search criteria which enable you to target plans that fit any market niche. You can locate plans by type, size, location, insurance carrier, broker, service provider and a variety of other criteria. The possibilities are only limited by your creativity. Basic Operations:
The “Search Screen” is your starting point. Search criteria are grouped under seven tabs. You can search by criteria specific to the “Sponsor”, the “Plan” itself, “Financial” attributes of the plan, “Insurance” carrier or broker information, plan “Actuary”, “Service Provider / Trustee”, or “Investment” information.
Pop-Up Windows: Many of the search criteria have pop-up windows that display lists of possible entries associated with the field chosen. Pop-up windows are accessed by clicking the description of your selected search criteria or the down arrow to the right of the white search field.
After indicating your desired criteria, click FIND to view the list of plans that meet all of your criteria. If you wish plan sponsors with multiple plans to only be listed one time, click DISTINCT ONLY at the bottom of the “Search Screen”. For a summary of the criteria that you have entered, click SUMMARY. Search Screen: DISTONLYDISTONLY FINDFIND SUMMARYSUMMARY
List Reports: When reviewing your selected plans, there are two “List” reports to choose from (“List of Sponsors” and “Contact Sheet”). Click the SORT RESULTS button to sort the list by your choice of criteria. SORTSORT
List Reports: By clicking on the Contact Sheet tab you’ll get more detailed information on plans for quick and easy reference. The LABELS tab allows you to print mailing labels directly from the application!
If you wish to exclude selected plans from a list of sponsors to be printed or exported, click on the CHECK to the left of the “Sponsor’s Name”. Use the DESELECT ALL or SELECT ALL buttons to quickly exclude or include all plans for printing or exporting purposes. List Reports:
For more detailed information about a specific plan, click on the plan sponsor’s name. For each plan, there are seven detail reports: “Plan Summary”, “General Info”, “Financial”, “Insurance”, “Actuary”, and “Service Provider”, plus an “Investment” report. To move from plan to plan looking at the same report format, use the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons. PREVIOUSPREVIOUS NEXTNEXT
Many of our customers begin by using the application to run general prospect searches. For example, enter your desired geographical area. Then, select DEFINED CONTRIBUTION from the Plan Type pop-up window. Typical Prospect Search: 1 2
Now type “ ” next to Total Active Participants and “> ” next to the Total Assets search field and click on the FIND button at the bottom of the screen. Typical Prospect Search: 3 4
Helpful Hints: Note that certain search fields allow you to use operators such as: >, <, =…etc. You’ll find a handy list of available operators in the help menu under “Search Terms”. When entering a list of items such as zip codes, be sure to separate them by a comma and a space (e.g , 94958, 94921) If you want to print, go back to the search screen or navigate through the system in any way, please be sure to use the buttons within the application. Do not use your browser’s print button or forward/back buttons. When entering a dollar amount (e.g. Total Assets: > ) do not use spaces, dollar signs or commas. To search for a range of dollar amounts or zip codes, use “..” (e.g ). This will give you all plans with assets from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. If you aren’t sure what to enter into a particular search field, try holding your mouse’s cursor over the field. In many cases, a pop-up box will appear with helpful suggestions. When you’re done using the application, please log out using the “Exit” button in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.
Sales Ideas & Search Suggestions: DataMaster Pro allows you to run hundreds of creative searches to identify your specific target market. The product was designed by people with experience working in the financial industry. The idea was that reps should be able to literally slice through the market, targeting only those institutions most likely to be interested in a particular product or service. Find plans with poor financial performance! Look for rollover opportunities! Target your competition! Cross-sell to existing customers! Find business next door! Plan industry specific call outs! Search by average account balance! Prospect wealthy business owners! Increase your referral business! Find good candidates for non- qualified business! For information on how to run these searches and dozens of others, please click on the SALES IDEAS button within the application.
Our Commitment: DataMaster Pro is designed to save you time and increase your success in targeting new business. Using combinations of criteria and search terms, you can find the best qualified prospects for your services. Larkspur Data is committed to helping you use this product effectively. For more detailed information on any functions or features, please refer to the HELP screens in the application by clicking on the HELP button. If you need additional help or have any comments, please call You may also reach us by Redwood Blvd. Suite 150 Novate, CA (800)