TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Technology Speaks Uses Of Perception Analyzer Case Study Focus Study Industrial Event Advantages Of Using Perception Analyzer Perception Analyzer And MMRSS Our Services How MMRSS Could Help You Merits Of Choosing MMRSS
INTRODUCTION Perception Analyzer is an interactive response instrument that enables various market research organizations, research professionals to bring forth instant, honest and unbiased feedback from a group through the use of wireless hand-held device. The device communicate wirelessly with the console over a selected radio frequency. The system can be used in various places such as small focus group facilities and conference rooms, or in large conference centers. Perception Analyzer is an amazing instrument for qualitative research. The amount of data that can be anonymously collected, and the capability to use the results to direct discussions, make it an important device for many researchers.
TECHNOLOGY SPEAKS Respondents use wireless, hand-held device to answer questions and give feedback during focus groups, presentations, meetings, etc. A small wireless receiver, called a console is connected to a computer. Perception Analyzer software immediately tallies the results. Results are instantly available for personal viewing or to display to respondents and viewers. Results collected through the use of this device are available for analysis in crosstab, graphical, and quick frequency formats. It can also be exported to Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS, in HTML, and as JPGs or PDFs for presentations and reports. Perception Analyzer technology system is a direct response driven computer technology that used input from participants to pinpoint areas of strength and weakness and provide on the spot second- by-second real time feedback. Perception Analyzer is a computer-supported, interactive feedback system composed of wireless hand-held dials, a console, special software which edits questions, collects data and analyzes participant responses.
USES OF PERCEPTION ANALYZER Ad Testing Focus Groups Interactive Presentations Concept testing Product Testing Program evaluation Meetings / Conferences / Events Mock Trials / Jury Research Political Research
CASE STUDY Focus Group Objective: One of the leading pharmaceutical company obtain patient, physician and nurse educators' feedback regarding a novel insulin pen delivery device. Attributes critical to the product's success requiring evaluation included product features, price points, color/appearance and product name. Solution: Focus groups used the Perception Analyzer to combine qualitative feedback and quantitative precision. Results: Use of the Perception Analyzer data allowed us to immediately answer the 'Why's' from some of the quantitative evaluations such as, 'Why did you select this feature as being most important?' and 'Why did you prefer this color the most?'" It was that qual/quant combination with the availability of real-time data that helped make this project so successful.
CASE STUDY Industry Event Objective: A leading marketing research firm with expertise in measuring advertising and marketing effectiveness, sought a way to better engage the audience of 500 media, marketing, advertising and research professionals at its Media Forum Solution: With the use of its wireless, hand-held Perception Analyzer, solution was at hand. Questions were designed to know how the participants felt about hot-button topics relating to the current state of cross-media advertising. The participants used Perception Analyzer to choose the answer to each question which closely reflected their personal opinion. Result: Within seconds the aggregated results were projected for all to see. The moderator then used the real-time feedback from the participants to drive the panel discussion. Keeping the panelists on their toes made for a much more direct, honest, and exciting discussion.
ADVANTAGES OF USING PERCEPTION ANALYZER Evaluate products, brands, and concepts. Pinpoint areas of strength and weakness. Provide instant second-by-second real time feedback. It provides honest & unbiased feedbacks. Full participation of the group. Saves considerable time and other resources Non-verbal and anonymous feedback technique. Reduce your number of paper-based surveys. Capture participants' true opinions, feelings, and perceptions.
PERCEPTION ANALYZER AND MMRSS. MMRSS: Since its inception in 1992 as a full Service Market Research Firm, MMRSS has been conducting research and surveys in different countries. MMRSS is Asia’s largest Independent Full Market Research ISO 9001certified Firm and a member of ESOMAR. With the use of Perception Analyzer MMRSS will provide an advanced method to execute your research conveniently and efficiently, which will ultimately ensure continued success of your company.
HOW MMRSS COULD HELP YOU MMRSS with the use of Perception Analyzer gives an advanced method to execute your research conveniently and efficiently. We're committed to delivering the levels of expertise and support necessary to make your company successful. Our range of coverage in terms of specialties and countries gives us the advantages of providing your company a qualitative information. MMRSS is thorough, responsive, innovative and proficient. Our work is always professional, compelling and of the highest possible quality. Projects with us are always fun, easy and fast. We have become an interactive world demanding not just information, but substantiated information. Our expertise and highly consultative engagement model enables us to deliver new and exclusive information clients trust to make strategic decisions about markets, customers and competitors. MMRSS is constantly investing resources to develop and deliver advanced research tools and solutions to better serve our clients and ensures continuous success of their company.
MERITS OF CHOOSING MMRSS We will help your company to: Pinpoint areas of strength and weakness. Provide instant second-by-second real time feedback. Ensure full participation of the group. Capture participants' true opinions, feelings, and perceptions. Avail the results in different formats such as graphical, cross-tab and quick frequency formats as well as in SPSS as a.por file, in Excel as an ASCII file, to the internet as an HTML file and also as.jpg or PDF files for presentations and/or reports. Save a considerable amount of time and resources. Take immediate decision. Have strategic advantages over competitors. Promotes honest communication and full participation through a nonverbal and anonymous feedback technique. Maps the competitive and opinion landscape Tests hypotheses among key target audiences.
THANK YOU For Further Information and Inquiries: Raj Sharma :