1 Costa Rica experiences related to Kyoto Protocol and other Conventions A joint effort of the Chamber of Industry of Costa Rica, CEGESTI y Technological Institute of Costa Rica with the support of the Swiss Government
2 Costa Rica Nicaragua El Salvador Honduras Panamá Costa Rica EstadosUnidos México Guatemala Belice Population: 4,000,000 Extension: 51,100 Km 2
3 Before the NCPC Joint Implementation mechanism Costa Rican Joint Implementation Office from the Ministry of Environment and Energy: Forest Energy Just recently some agri-industry Potential for other actions on industrial projects open for interaction Focal point
4 Clean Development Mechanism Pilot project during 2000 (Quick Scans) in 4 sectors: Cement Food Textile Transport Potential for actions on good housekeeping technology modification Next step: energy efficiency NCPC Era
5 Capacity Building Concept paper during 2001 for regional training and developing a project portfolio: To train people with modular courses Establish a set of projects Guide trough the development process Pinpoint the possible sources of funding Publish a guide Develop a Carbon Market web site Undesa INT/00/X74/A/44/01
6 Renewable/Alternative Fuels Proposal during 2001 for funding a study on use of vegetable oil for Biodiesel production: Transport Direct use on actual fleet Market and level can be adjusted Health issues Biogenic carbon cycle GHG Emissions Reduction Ministry of Science and Technology + GEF SGP
7 Renewable/Alternative Fuels
8 Biomass Gasification Proposal under discussion and preparation to be submitted to the GEF: Sugar Mill (1-2 MW) Saw Mill (100 kW) Substitution of technology Power co-generation Self consumption Biogenic carbon cycle GHG Emissions Reduction
9 Case 1: Energy Efficiency Dos Pinos – Cooperative Diary Industry Diary Industry Cheese and dehydrated milk plant Cheese and dehydrated milk plant Implemented measures: Fuels: Fuels: 7.5% reduction in Fuel Oil consumption for boilers Liters/year US $9 730 / year Tons CO 2 Estimated Investment US$5 000 Return of Investment: 0,51 years
10 Connection with other Conventions Basel/POPs Convention: Joint Course and Regional Lead Project and support on local study (2002) CIEN Project promoted by EPA-UNEP (2003) PCB Training workshop for Power, Transmission and Distribution Utilities (March 2004) Hazardous Material Regional Workshop (July 2004) Activities included as part of the CP - IPA Montreal Protocol: Data collection for the inventory for industry and commercial users Activities included as part of the CP - IPA
11 Case 2: Material substitution Equipos El Prado Metal processing Metal processing Before CP-IPA it was used Cr +VI (water pollutant, toxic and carcinogenic) Now the use Cr III (Cr IV free). Benefits: only –They eliminate the use of the only carcinogenic substance of the process –Reduction in water treatment costs –Increase in production costs of only 7%. –Product quality is the same and is accepted by the companies
12 Tel: (506) Fax: (506) website: “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most of the people don´t recognize them” -Ann Landers