BEGINNING WITH PINPOINT Logging in and Accessing Curriculum Begin by logging in with your username and password. The first time you log in your username and password will be the same. It should be the first part of your address before symbol.
Password You may be prompted to change your password when you log in.
This takes you to your personal home page.
Select Teacher Home from the tabs on the navigation bar to go to the Teacher Home Page.
Teacher Home Page The Home button will take you to the Pinpoint Teacher Home Page. This includes links to K-12 Resources and Announcements, as well as links to the user guides for Pinpoint.
Scroll to the bottom of the Teacher Home Page to access the document tray containing Pinpoint resources and User Guides.
Click on the document name to access the user guides.
Lee County User Guides
How to Access Curriculum
Return to the Navigation Bar.
Click on Classes. When you click on classes, a dropdown menu will appear.
Click on Teach.
The classes assigned to you through NCWISE will be listed on the left side.
Select a class.
This will take you to your class page for that subject.
Click on Curriculum in the page bar.
This will open the curriculum folder for that subject.
By clicking on the different folders or “pinpoint units” you will open your pacing guides, UbD units, and RESA documents that have been loaded onto Pinpoint.
This is a fifth grade ELA unit. Content will vary depending on the grade level and content area.
Click on a “pinpoint lesson” folder and it will open the document on your page.
If you find a mistake on Pinpoint please access the following correction form. Correction Form kMyZTZMdFRjVUxoM0E6MQ#gid=0